New Problem With Imaginesim KATL

Imaginesim KATL did not have any graphic problems from the time I first installed it, but now there are dips in the runway and some weird berms on the Delta service hanger side (adjacent to runway 26L.) This has rendered the taxiway un-useable, just like the way the same problems make KDFW un-useable. Any solutions?

I noticed the same thing yesterday. Not sure what changed, but it doesn’t like the KATL that’s in World Update 2 all of a sudden. Go into Content Manager and Delete that KATL in World Update 2. That fixed it for me.

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Moved to Scenery & Airports that is more appropriate.

In case you have your rolling cache enabled, disable or delete it.

No rolling cache for me. That was the first thing I checked just in case it got activated during an update.

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There was a question about imaginesim KATL:

As suggested by @AppearingSix65 , you should delete KATL from the WU2 package. (It will not delete the whole WU2 content as asked in the link provided above).

There was an update noted in the March 28 blog for KATL. That’s what must have broken it.

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Hello all, I have this same issue, but I need some help.

How do I delete the KATL from within the world update? When I search ATL in the content manager I get the Imaginsim KATL and the world update only, how do I open that world update package to only remove the Asobs airport?

Sorry for the silly question, but I don’t want to mess anything up.

No bad questions here :slight_smile: , search for KATL in your content manager and click on the 2nd icon highlighted in red on the top:

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OH okay!! I see it now!!

Thanks for the help man, Very Cool!!

EDIT: IT works! No more burms…

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Great, enjoy your KATL !

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Thanks so much for this comment. I’ve been dealing with that issue for years just now read this. I had no idea you could manually delete certain aspects of those updates until now.