It probably does, but there is (sadly) much more to it to call it somewhat realistic, so far only one developer @GotGravel got adverse yaw correctly compared to any other aircraft. He also worked on the 3 listed FlyingIron Aircraft.
The numbers can give an indiactaion, but it’s more a question of:
Do I have to use the rudder at all while making a turn or does the aircraft make a smooth turn without any rudder usage?
No rudder needed = 99% No realistic adverse yaw
The MSFS Gliders gonna get adverse yaw improvement in SimUpdate 12.
They are the next candidates for realistic adverse yaw, maybe we can compare what they changed afterwards. The MSFS Gliders are developed by Flightsim-Studio AG, they are besides GotGravel the only other development team trying to implement realistic adverse yaw.
In this wishlist thread I also showcase how realistic adverse yaw (3rd Party Glider) looks like compared to the current MSFS Glider:
Adverse Yaw - missing in almost every Airplane
Nobody’s gonna shoot you, you are doing god’s work in here! Thank you very much for your help!