Looking at the files, it seems to just be the Chinese localization. I don’t see any flight model updates.
ok, thank you very much for the information!
These 3 from @GotGravel use both the new propeller physics and CFD
thank you, now listed!
I also reworked the list, instead of two seperate lists I made one out of it
with just the abbreviations NPS + CFD
C152 at least it has NPS. Dont know for CFD.
but where is it noted? I can’t find anything about the C152
open “engines.cfg”
look for:
prop_mod_use_modern = 1
It’s definitely enabled in the 152.
Alright, thank you guys. Cessna 152 listed for NPS
just writing something so the topic wont get closed.
Don’t know why an admin pushed it in this topic list, where posts gonna get closed if there is no comment for a month, because like it is right now, there is not every day a new release with this feature…
According to the changelogs of the DA62X Improvement Mod on flightsim.to
New flaps
Modern propmodel
Softened suspension
other stuff
With SU10 Beta, the 172 classic configs are unlocked and visible.
The flight_model.cfg and engine.cfg is WAY WAY different between the two. Not just CFD or the new prop model. Basic geometry, weights, station weights position, Lift, drag… they are two very different planes…
so with SU10 CFD + NPS for the Cessna 172 steam versions confirmed?
the 152 maybe as well?
175 classic DOES NOT USE CFD or the prop model. (Confirmed)
152 is already unlocked, and I thought was confirmed?
Cessna 152 only NPS confirmed,
CFD not so far.
Have you ever flown over water?
At low level, there pretty much isn’t, well not just pretty much, isn’t, any turbulence generated from the ground out over the ocean, (or over large lakes). It’s actually quite refreshing to be bouncing all over over land and, as soon as you fly out past the shore and out over the ocean, flight is as smooth as glass…
looking good, is it just ready or now integrated? New propeller system as well?
How does it look at idle, with no wind?
Yes, new system all the way around. I did it for launch 2 weeks ago. I saw this post and thought I’d add the Camair 480 Twin Navion to the list.
With no wind it basically all goes straight back with twists around the fuselage and a vortex is created depending on how much throttle. It get’s crazy at full throttle with brakes on, but once it starts moving it evens out and has a better flow as intended. It’s really nice they added this feature in the SDK.