New release : Aerolite 103

Oh that’s wonderful background information, thanks! Good to know especially that the crabbing method is better for big planes and the aileron/slip method better for small planes due to the difference in wing-strike vs angled landing gear risk.

I’ll practice the slip technique for small planes more. :slight_smile:

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The risk with crabbing in a small plane is messing up and landing sideways which will either send you scooting off the runway or break your landing gear.

The risk with side slip in an airliner is you may end up with a wing or pod strike.

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Update arrived in Marketplace today, about to test it…

Strangely enough, ONLY to the MP, not SimMarket.

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ha! Mysterious.

Doesn’t matter, really. I have kinda written this thing off. Top Rudder is way better to fly and the developer has too much drama for my taste.


Same; I’m curious if it’s improved tho. :smiley:

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So, where from should I take it, MP or SM?
What would you suggest?
Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok so there’s no release notes, but here’s a list of things that have NOT been fixed:

  • overpowered illegal engine (too fast to comply with part 103 ultralight rules)
  • backwards throttle animation
  • ailerons feel really sluggish compared to rudders. this could be realistic to the plane, I don’t know, but it’s suspicious

Honestly, get the Top Rudder instead – it’s done better, and more realistically matches ultralight regulations.


To be honest I personally am not particularly bothered about US Ultralight regulations as they do not apply here. In Australia this would classify as a Microlite and you do need a licence to fly it here and our regulations are totally different to the US.

I fly this thing a lot as being the only pusher prop ultralight it makes a great exploring/videoing scenery aircraft.

In fact I was flying it only an hour or two back at the new Sunshine Coast Queensland (YBSU) addon from Shunt Simulations that just came out:

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Do you mean there was no update presented to you in Content Manager for download?

Or do you mean that you don’t think it was a good update because it didn’t address the issues you were concerned about?

With today’s update overall handling has improved, but the yoke animation now only shows minimal movement compared to the controller’s actual amount of movement (visual problem, honeycomb used)

Anyone know if there’s a fix out anywhere for the sound? It sounds like a single cylinder lawn mower.

Isn’t it supposed to be Rotax powered? Wikipedia seems to concur with this, but the aircrafts page on simMarket suggests it has a “Japanese 55 hp twin boxer”.

I had no clue what that was, and a search seems to suggest its a motorcyle-like engine.

From the Aerolite web page:
“Other engine options are available, including Rotax 447 and 503, Kawasaki 440, Hirth F23, etc.”

Not as far as I know, I am OK with it, but if you find it too annoying go into sound options and wind the engine volume back a bit while flying it.

They probably couldnt be bothered to find a rotax to record. who knows. All I know is to me personally, its unflyable. Call me picky, but it sounds inauthentic IMO.


Well whatever engine is modeled, it’ll be a 2-stroke.

Currently available options from the manufacturer are:

  • MZ 34 1-cylinder
  • Hirth F33 1-cylinder
  • MZ 201 2-cylinder
  • MZ 202 (also a 2-cylinder model, same Wikipedia article)
  • Hirth F23 2-cylinder
  • electric motor (this is new, and definitely not modeled here)

They used to offer some older Rotax 2-stroke models (447 and 503 were mentioned previously). Note these are not the same as the 4-stroke Rotax engines in many LSAs, and they have also been discontinued by the manufacturer recently, hence no longer being available for new orders.

So all of these are either 1 or 2-cylinder 2-stroke engines. They are going to sound a lot like a lawnmower, sorry. :slight_smile:

Here’s a Youtube video of an Aerolite 103 running, with sound and all. Not sure which engine, but it looks like the Hirth F33 to me (1-cylinder).

The one in the 3d model in the sim is clearly a 2-cylinder of some sort, though I can’t match it to any of the engine models listed above.

It sort of resembles the Hirth F23, but the photos I can find online of them on an Aerolite 103 have it mounted above the wing, with the cylinders opposed horizontally, not vertically.

Yeah the real thing sounds pretty awful in most cases, if anything it is not annoying enough:

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