OK… Who goes first on this one? I am not going first this time. This sounds like a more or less study level bird according to the description… but it’s weird - it’s dual P3D/MSFS compatible - I have NEVER seen that before. And every single screenshot they have is from P3D. I have no idea what it actually looks like in MSFS.


I do not think it is native MSFS, it is a compatible conversion. They even state that MSFS compatibility is just extra. Made for P3D and Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

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Well, but it would have been nice to see some screenshots from MSFS. It does render things differently. Also… does it fly on Modern or Legacy? Does everything work in the cockpit? (That’s often not the case with conversions)… For 30 Euros they better explain some stuff. One 5-Star review is already up from some guy who “flew it in both P3D and MSFS” but I’d rather trust a crack-smoking fiend on Lower Wacker Drive in Chicago than a SimMarket review.


this looks bad, just not good at all. i cant tell if the sim market photos are of the p3d version or msfs one

i think ill stick with my DCS yak52, which is close enough for me.

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Yes, those are P3D shots - you can tell by the “Academic License” watermark on upper right corner.

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For what is it worth, it is basically Chinese licensed Yak-18A. I know some good developers have that one on offer for XP11 and P3D so sooner or late it will show up in MSFS.

It is going to be hard to find anyone to bite this bullet.



from wiki" The CJ-6 (Chu Jiao 初教 = Chuji Jiaolianji 初级教练机 = basic trainer aircraft) is an all-original Chinese design that is commonly mistaken for a Yak-18A. Its predecessor, the Nanchang CJ-5, was a licence-built version of the Yak-18. However, advancements in pilot training brought a need for a new aircraft with improved performance and a tricycle landing gear. When the Soviet Union developed the Yak-18A, PLAAF engineers decided that its performance and design would not suit China’s needs."

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It looks quite bad, honestly this low-effort product does not deserve a paid review imo, as far as I am concerned they should give a copy to you for free since you take the effort to make reviews for the forum.


Ok, it looks like Yak-18A. Anyway, I do not see anyone getting it. I’d rather wait for Yak-18A or Yak-52… close enough for me.

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Yeah, I am NOT reaching out to anyone for handouts. I have some self-respect. :wink:

Like I said, the days of me buying things just to review are gone - I have dealt with enough people ridiculing me for it, so… someone else can review things no one is sure about.

I MAY get in contact with the designer and ask them to put up some MSFS screenshots and more details.

Low-res P3D shots don’t necessarily make this a bad product - what IF it really is study-level and everything works? It all depends on whether it looks like it belongs in MSFS or not. Certainly, 30 Euros isn’t cheap for a product from someone NO ONE in MSFS has ever heard about. Their other two products on SimMarket were for P3D - one is reviewed high (but too small sample size to count) and the other has 1-star (again, too small of a sample size, just ONE review).


considering it’s in the MSFS Aircraft section on SimMarket they need to put screenshots of it in MSFS.


Yup, just wrote that guy an e-mail asking for more screenshots and answers to whether or not it flies in Modern or Legacy and whether the cockpit works.

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One more thing - according to the description, the P3D version of this simulation is used for training by Chinese military. So, on THAT level, the simulation must be pretty deep. I also use P3D v5… but again, I need more to take a gamble on this.

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It may be study-level in P3D but that takes actual work to port it over correctly to MSFS and I doubt they’ve done that as they’ve posted no MSFS screenshots…
It’s possible their installer asks the user which sim they have/would like to install to but why not just release as a separate product?


Saw this on Simmarket.

It costs 35.64 EUR. The PMDG DC-6 cost me ~ 46 EUR, just as comparison.

pictures and videos of MSFS version have been posted in this thread further down the line…


Were these screenshots even shot in MSFS?? This looks like another heaping pile of junk.

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In a way, I can see the method behind the madness in releasing P3D/MSFS version. Let me tell you why. P3D sales are dwindling - even I won’t purchase any more P3D aircraft. (And that says a lot)… Most developers are abandoning P3D. BUT… lots of us still have P3D. If a product was to come out that would work in BOTH P3D AND MSFS, it’s a win/win. We can use it in P3D, but the compatibility makes it so that if we were to uninstall it at some point, we can continue using it in MSFS. It’s actually kind of brilliant… IF done right.

Did you read ANYTHING above your post?

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Two of the reviews of the 4 products they list are by same guy almost word for word reviews


Yeah, like I said… I would never trust a SimMarket review. I don’t even bother posting mine there anymore, it’s a mockery of a review system.