New Release: Captain Sim TIE Fighter

As I understand it, their customer service was also “a bit buggy.”

Yeah, it sort of relied on a forum moderator (who was quite helpful) when things weren’t right.
They were tricky planes to get to work correctly, but there really wasn’t anyone else that made the older jetliners, and the ones they made were fairly realistic.

There was good in him but now he is empty… like the C130.


I would guess the sounds are taken from the default 747😝

I actually got a direct marketing email from CS for this thing. I guess they think if they can make Boeings with no licensing, anything’s okay?

I used to do digital game merchandising and I can guarantee you that if this was legit there would Disney and Lucas TMs all over the place. Companies like Disney and LEGO even wanted them on tiny preview thumbnails.

CS made some really nice planes for FSX and P3D – their C-130, the 757 and 727, the F-104… I made the mistake of buying the 777 on Day 1. And I would have bought the C-130 if it’d had even a cruddy cockpit, but nope, not even that.

Shall we start a pool on how long this stays up? Will Disney discover it themselves or will some annoyed C-130 purchaser send the link to the Disney anti-piracy team? Will they claim that they were going to seek a license, but a bearded old man in a robe waved his hand and said “You don’t need to seek a license?”


"Good people of the galaxy, I come before you today to speak about a matter that concerns us all. The Empire has long claimed ownership over many things, including their Tie Fighters. But I say to you today that this is not right.

The Empire has fallen to the power of the Dark Side of the Force, and as such, they have lost their way. They have lost sight of what is truly important in this galaxy - freedom, justice, and equality for all.

So I ask you today - why should we allow them to continue to hold onto something that they no longer deserve? Why should we allow them to continue to profit off of something that they have corrupted?

It is time for us to take back what is rightfully ours. It is time for us to stand up against tyranny and oppression. It is time for us to use their own intellectual property against them.

Thank you."

– Obi-Wan Kenobi. Or maybe Bing’s AI bot

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As usual with Captain Sim, they - once more - missed their deadline, this one was supposed to be released on April 1st!!!

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You’d think it would be May 4th.


It will probably have a 747 cockpit

I felt a great disturbance in the Marketplace. It was as if millions of uninformed players purchased in excitement and then it was pulled… I fear something Captain Sim has happened.


Hope there is Ryanair livery for it! :wink:

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EasyIon would be more appropriate. :smiley:
No hand luggage space, even if you are willing to pay a ridiculous amount extra though.

Okay…, it isnt licensed by Disney, but maybe they might include the whole Starwars collection on the FMC or in the passenger compartment instead.

And still there will be dozens of peoples who buy it…

No doubt the Tie Fighter runs an unlicensed copy of Windows so Disney might look the other way.

I reported this to Disney yesterday as we all should.

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Well done on using the past tense in all your comments!

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For sure, Ryan Air livery is compatible with standard Asobo B747 FMS which it will probably have.

Looks like it’s been taken down :+1:

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So we should all narc for mega-corporations? No thanks :laughing:

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