New Release: dc-designs-pt17-stearman

Thanks, I’ll take a look at it :+1:


Hello Dean,

Thank you for this great plane !

One thing i´ve just noticed is that the propeller is a flat disc (as it was in FSX).
Therefore flight against the sun have an unrealistic visual propeller effect.
Can you please make it 3D like the new MSFS standard ? :wink:

Mmmm - not sure about this but I will check the SDK to see how it’s supposed to be done. Glad you’re enjoying flying her :slight_smile:

hello there, absolutely great aircraft, very welldone.
and not always easy to land on shorter fields, but thats fun.

if this venture is successful enough - or should anyone with interest in the working world of the Model 75 decide to take it on - having one of these in the new sim would be spectacular…

or THIS!

NOTE : she has a ‘Speed Ring’ around the engine - not a cowling

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@DEAN01973 OMG Dean! Is the free expansion that was just announced for MSFS on Xbox E3 your F-14?

Don’t know anything about it?

it has an F-18 Hornet - and a carrier that looks like it might be moving through the water…
the video has two parts with the Hornet as a ‘featurette’ at the end of the first part of the vid.
Also the aircraft in the first part have dust trails after their wheels on take-off where they should have them (dirt strips)

Microsoft Flight Simulator on Xbox E3 2021 Trailer; Coming July 27th – FSElite


Watch till the end! They announced a new top gun expansion.


Ah yes, just seen the video, yes that’s the F-18E Super Hornet and a moving carrier, so I’m a very happy boy! It means of course that I won’t be bringing my own Super Hornets to MSFS but seeing a good carrier is more than worth it! :slight_smile:


I was wondering if it is gonna be a new combat sim expansion where we could fire weapons. Anyway I am really happy that we are getting a new aircraft carrier and F-18 :slight_smile:

Hornet has no weapons or hardpoints on it in keeping with MS recent trajectory.
Featured in the Mach Loop - very nice.
Being able to perform ‘cats n traps’ again - in all weather - with a moving and hopefully ‘dynamic’ (rolling seas) carrier will be a HOOT
If we can also perform mid-air refueling etc even better.
Set that up off the So Cal coast and go looking for those Tic-Tacs, armed with a screenshot button lol

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that ‘other’ aircraft @ the 2:07 mark looks like some kind of Stealth plane

…and this video feel like the Acceleration addon for old FSX - sans helicopters and sling loads


I notice that the carrier isn’t actually moving, and that the F-18’s HUD doesn’t appear to be working, but I suspect those things will be fixed / added by the time of release. Can’t wait to see it!

Let’s keep this thread on the Stearman and kick off another one for the carrier etc! :slight_smile:


Tire smoke, wakes, and contrails, OH MY!


That wasn’t the Mach Loop

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We continue to work on various aspects of the flight model: the roll rate has been lowered by 25%, the authority of the rudder has been increased. The drag curve between mach 0 and mach 0.250 is being adjusted to favor deceleration and landings and the CL vs AOA both alpha and beta are also being adjusted too. Fixed the propeller moi according to the weight and radius of the official propeller. The toe brake pressure has been increased to be able to drop the nose but still being controllable.

There is still refinement to do but I will give you an advance.

I apologize for my abrupt flying style showed in the video, but there have been too many hours testing this weekend and my reflexes are already failing me a bit, but the basic idea is to put the plane to the limit.


I’ll live…thanks

Improvements are nice - roll rate looks very good, should always be a little quicker to the right than the left due to engine/prop torque as in the video. Increased rudder authority seems to have helped at the top of the hammerhead especially.
Landing speed, energy bleed look to be corrected too.
Looks like you really went under the hood here. Outstanding


Looking good. Glad that the rudder authority is being increased, looks like it really helps out with the hammerheads in your vid! I was struggling a bit with them as it currently stands. Looking forward to trying out the improved model!