New Release: Deimos Su-57 Felon in Marketplace

It’s amazing the amount of people who wanna talk smack about a 9.99 dollar plane this is the first 5th gen 4K detailed model with fully working cockpit to be released on xbox not to mention the garbage mscenery charges 15 plus dollars the su57 has fully animated flaps speed brakes cockpit sound even implemented the new sonic boom feature before anyone else did also has thrust vectoring and animations for it like in real life and you wanna talk about him being a real developer I guarantee you couldn’t write a line of code if you tried hate elsewhere


Done !
In the next update (ver 1.3) you’ll have AB and other ground fx effects


Thats amazing thank you can’t wait

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Thank you brother

Frankly it’s first my plane I bought for Sim. Can’t say where’re you from. But in case I see what a plane you did, I decided to support the developer who did such a good job. For this awesome Russian jet. Hope it will become better with patches. Dreaming to see custom flight control panels… And also

Anyone know how to disable mirrows? It’s buggy for now.

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Mirror can not be disable, in the 3d are actually perfect mirror, it’s in the game that they are like that

I’ve said what I think and have nothing to add to it.
This is not hate, but just an expression of my disillusionment and dissatisfaction.
I once thought the way you think.
All is well :grinning:

Ah well everyone is different

Yes you are right. Everyone is different. But every developer is different too. This example here excelled in being bought its 3d model and having stolen the code from a real developer. Therefore it is not the question of whether I can even generate a line of code, the question is whether HE can.
The method is the same as in the past.
He probably bought the model here:

Su 57 stealth jet fighter 3D model - TurboSquid 1620879

It remains to be seen where the code comes from.

This so-called developer has every opportunity to react to my allegations. Why doesn’t he do it? Because he has nothing to tell?

I took your suggestion. It seemed to almost fix it.

I now have full use of throttle, so the plane can now be flown at the speeds it’s intended to be able to fly at, however the afterburner animation disappears. It somewhat comes and goes, I have no idea why it sometimes shows the afterburner animation and other times it doesn’t.

My speed will climb as if the afterburners are on, but they won’t be visually on.

I know this plane has people complain about it, but I personally think the afterburner animations for the SU-57 are the best afterburner animations in MSFS 2020 thus far, and I have multiple paid planes that have the afterburner feature.

So, what I feel is arguably the strongest aspect of this jet, I’m still having issues with it. I’m on pc, not xbox. If you need a video, I can make one to show what I’m talking about.

Btw, if you’ve never zoomed as close to the afterburners as you can in 3rd person mode, you’re missing out. Zoom in, and then go full afterburners and look how awesome that looks. Fortunately for me the afterburners work on takeoffs, but once in the air it doesn’t come on as it used to.

Has all been fixed in next release and improved; please just wait for the release of the update

It’s nice to see that you are able to provide your Felon-Customers with updates.
Please be so fair to explain to me why you don’t do this with your F-16-Customers.

Thanx in advance.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: oh Lordy

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Dude he paid for the model and fixed it how he see fit if all your gonna do is complain and act like a child you can quite literally go do it somewhere else I understand his past but he redeemed himself making a amazing plane and selling it for 9.99 I would Pay 25 again if I had to cause I enjoy it have a good day


Hopeless case, will be ignored in the future

Cose i Can’t touch the F-16 V Viper.
I’m working to find a solution, but needs time.

Okay? That’s you dude he obviously don’t care what you half to say and talking to me ain’t gonna make a difference its hopeless people are gonna buy what they wanna buy nobody cares that you wanna influence other people not to buy his product ive gotten atleast 15 people or more to purchase his products cause I review all the jet fighters its pointless to continue on if you got beef with him do it elsewhere

Save yourself the trouble.
You should have done that much earlier, you had all the options.
And then something like that comes out of it.
There is now a much better one.
You can’t get hold of that in life, effort alone is not enough.


Yeah no trouble for me because I enjoy the product got me over 3k views on youtube so obviously people are interested in it to each their own cheers

Hey did you implement new afterburner effects or are they the same ones just beefed up? Would you happen to have a screenshot by any chance not sure how long they will take with the update to hit xbox

Dude! Great work on the SU-57 just updated it and it looks great thank you for adding the amazing afterburner effects and more liveries I hope to see more of your products in the future please keep the afterburner effects like that as well I love em also it does wobble a bit at high speed maybe thats normal anyway thank you again

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