New Release : FlyingIron Simulations Spitfire L.F Mk IXc

Start at 9:21. The DCS spit stalls a bit earlier and is more of a handful, but the technique also applies here.

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Did you manage to find away of sorting the left/right view out at all ? I am having the same issue.

Till now I didnā€™t have it on my radar ! But yet :star_struck: Thx.

109 F4 , G2 or K

Has anyone had any experience with this plane in VR?

Flew a few hours around Dover in VR, itā€™s amazing, found a few others in Spitfires as well, had a lot of fun following them around.

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Yes its very good in vr.

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Thanks, are there different liveries available at the get go?

Yes, i think 6 or 7.

Is there an installer for this, or do you just drop it into the community folder? I like to keep planes outside the folder and drop them in as needed. Its a bit of a extra step, but found my system works the best in VR with limited items in community folderā€¦

Hi !

I bought this plane yesterday and i regret this a little bit. There are several reasons why:

  1. The engine power is totally wrong. It has around 600hp and the engine can turn 3000rpm. Thats not realistic
  2. The Elevator is totally from hell. Minimal movement on the stick is like 100% on the rudder. Totally unflyable.
  3. The Rudder has alomost the same problems. The whole aircraft feels like an RC plane.
  4. The MOI values are, in my opinion, much too low.
  5. The take off is really badass. Even with full rudderā€¦the plane tend to be uncontrollable.

But there are also some good points:

  1. Sound feels great espacially in the cockpit. Needs some more punch in external cam i would say
  2. Modelling and textures look good !

I dont know why people always write ā€œits amazing, its awesome!ā€ . Sorry to say that but its definitely not.

Please bring out some updates for this plane. Thanks.


PS: Before someone ask: My stick sensivity i really low.


I unzipped on SSD ā€˜Dā€™, (my D/L, unzip, holding SSD), then copied unzipped Spitfire folder over to Community on SSD ā€˜Pā€™. (D & P only quoted to show I use 2 SSDā€™s to keep stuff separated)

Sorry, hate to criticise but youā€™re missing the point - the Spitfire is a very difficult aircraft to fly and will not perform like any other that is currently available for MSFS. It is a pure pilots plane and any messing about with settings to make it easier is ruining the whole experience.

Take a look carefully at the video posted a few entries ago and see how the techniques are different to what you are used to.

Once you learn the skills, which you can, you will start to appreciate it for what it is. If you feel you cannot afford the patience then the Spitfire is not for you.


Hi !

So you think a bad elevator and a not realistic acting engine makes a plane ā€œdificult and realisticā€ ?

But people buying every stuff they found doesnt matter how good the Mods are. And when you criticize a productā€¦people getting personal like you judging my skills.

Focus on the Spitfire and not me thenā€¦thanks. And dont tell me what to do and what products are ā€œfor meā€.

Good day and happy flying

PS: I hope they will patch the Spitfire :wink: and ā€¦pleaseā€¦dont come up with: Make it betterā€¦


Lookā€¦ there are multiple people who flew the Spitfire in real life and say that itā€™s a handful to flyā€¦ real pilots of the aircraft were aware of the tendencies of the aircraft to flip over etcā€¦ I too have had quite a bit of trouble with it, but thatā€™s on ME and my skills - I am not very proficient with flying this yet. But there are lots of people on this forum who can do it with minimal issues. Instead of having a sense of entitlement, you ought to think about why some can fly it better than others and perhaps your skills, too, need an improvement. Until then, save the attitude.


This might be helpful to you.

The DCS seems more reactive in the air, but if you follow the DCS take off and landing tutorials, they apply more or less to this one as well. My impression is that rudder authority is not so good in FS 2020 and that the DCS flight model has more sink, so their Spitfire tends to plant itself on the runway more quickly, whereas this one floats longer. My guess is the DCS is more realistic, but I have no way of knowing for sure.

In any case, the elevator sensitivity is a common complaint with the DCS model as well, but people adjust to it.


One other thing to keep in mind - this plane is very sensitive to crosswind.
The real ones seem to have a 10-15 knot safety limit, depending

Personally, I have no problem with 10 knots, I can get up to around 15 knots, but after that I find it impossible to transition from heavy aileron to a stable takeoff without dropping a wing. I wonder if this effect is slightly exaggerated here or whether it really is this difficult in the real thing.

But check that you havenā€™t loaded live weather with 20 knots crosswind.

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A real Spit being a handful is a false equivalency. In real flight, there are loads of physical and sensory inputs that a pilot is continuously relying upon on the ground or in the air. On a computer there arenā€™t, and so when a ā€œflight modelā€ is ā€œrealistic,ā€ itā€™s just a very different kind of Marios Bros console gameā€“the riddles are dressed up as an airplaneā€™s (itself only a hive of code) handling qualities. I have been watching the boards to see how quickly the twitchiness of this developerā€™s Spit started being talked about. Less than 24 hrs.

I had their Spit in XP11 and its groundhandling was impossible. There are other two other develpoers out there who have produced Spits I can enjoy, so Iā€™ll wait for them.

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Well, I like it!



Would love to also see a hawker hurricane. The unsung hero of the battle of britain


I recorded a short video presenting the sounds of the new Spitfire, a slightly different presentation ā€¦

Spitfire Flight Simulator 2020 Sound Engine test - YouTube

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