New release: IRIS Simulations Grob G 115E Tutor T.1

I went ahead and bought it. Quite nice, some roughness but certainly acceptable for the price. I imagine I’ll be flying this a lot, at least until Sim Skunk releases their SF 260.

Some specific issues I noticed:

The controls related to radio volume and receiver selection seem insufficiently operative. The sound volume knobs don’t seem to do anything and neither do the Com1 etc. selectors on the audio box. Further some of the relevant keybindings don’t play nicely either, for Com channel selection only thing that seemed to work is the one which toggles all com radio receivers on/off. Not a huge issue for me personally since I use AAO and made custom scripts for the functions that do have actual effects*, but something to fix somewhere down to line.

Another thing is that the fuel flow gauge is reporting about 60% higher fuel consumption than what actually leaves the tanks. The reason seems to be that the gauge is set to convert gallons to litres at rate of 1:6 rather than 1:3.8. Easily fixed, though the fuel flow scalar also needs to be adjusted since the actual consumption is way too low.

Lastly, hopefully an option to switch to the default pilots. Anyone know how I can mod these custom guys out of the plane?

*I uploaded the scripts to, in case someone wants them, though the file is still pending approval: AAO Scripts for Iris Simulations Grob Tutor » Microsoft Flight Simulator

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