New Release: PaperCraft Aero Design Gaz'Aile II


PaperCraft Aero Design has released their 4th payware for the sim after their UL Stride, RaceX and L-39. Modeled is a Pennec Gaz’Aile II ultralight kit aircraft. From the sales page:

"The Gaz’Aile is an amateur-built ULM. Offering performance worthy of professional aircraft with interesting possibilities. From the plans, you build your own ULM. This build is given to everyone being serious and patient. The plans are available for purchase by contacting Mr Serge PENNEC on the Gaz’aile 2 website.

This ULM, designed by Mr Serge PENNEC, is easy to build and fly. It can be fitted with a ROTAX engine or even a 75hp TU3 1.4L car engine from PSA-Citroën which powers the Peugeot 106 or the Citroën AX.

This addon for MSFS uses a PSA 75hp type engine and therefore allows a cruising speed of nearly 280Km / h. It is equipped with a complete Glass Cockpit as well as clickable functions (Start Up, Lights …)."

I will leave this one for others to test. While it’s a low-priced addon, I’m disappointed in the lack of effort put into the panel in particular. I perused the net for pictures of the panel having the gut feeling they phoned this one in. Here are a few real-life panels that make me feel like PaperCraft could have done so much more with this one:

I would love to hear experiences with this but even for that price I’m holding onto my cash for some anticipated addons nearing release.

The plane is nicely done but some things are really on the downside. 2D gauges and some of them just not working at all. And worst, the G3X (WTT) is nearly unreadable in day light and stops working (black screens) after a few minutes of flight. I contacted the dev. a few days after the release of the addon on SimMarket encouraging him in positive ways on what to improve and pointing out the G3X bug. I got a very fast and nice answer saying that an update will be released soon. Near end of april and 2 MSFS update later and still no update nor communication. It’s sad because the plane is nice and a pleasure to fly and the price is reasonable.