New Release: Papercraft Aero Design Racex

Uuuuuh, Beavis? Huh huh…
Does anyone know WHAT this is? It’s like these guys don’t really want anyone to buy this so they don’t provide ANY info except how to start it. And some mysterious “open up your eyes and explore the world around you” thing. I am not buying it until I figure out what it is.

Whatever it is, it sure looks ugly though…


Its the start of the nickel & dime add-on brigade.

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I just don’t get it… I got that Stride Ultralight they did and it’s ok. Believable enough and flies pretty good. I don’t know if Stride is a real aircraft, but I was willing to suspend my disbelief for that one - I mean, anyone can build something like that. THIS though? No amount of Googling RaceX aircraft comes up with anything. Are these guys just gonna make up planes now?

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When you have freeware like this

You just dont need to pay for things like that plane.


As soon as I saw this “plane” on simmarket I headed straight to the forums to find this post. LOL.

I don’t know what this is? I feel like it’s some sick cosmic joke to see how low we’ll go??


You can’t b*tch about a bad flight model if you have nothing to compare it to!!! Quite smart actually. LOL

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Looks like a single person studio:

I hope they are learning something from this work, and go on to make better things. Trying to look for some upside here. :innocent:


I dont want to slam the devs work. I am positive they have put hard work into it. But I honestly feel like this should be a freeware taster for their next better researched project. Just my humble but maybe brutal opinion.

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That’s fair - it’s a Friday and I’m a little cranky this morning. I do think if we’re being asked to pay for something, then it needs to have a base level of quality, which I don’t see yet in aircraft. I hope it comes, I really do. The lower quality aircraft that sell on various markets will only push other creators to do the same thing. If I can churn out 5 planes at $10 a pop with below average quality and still profit, why not?


This is exactly why I feel the sim’s bugs need to be fixed ASAP. There isn’t many but there are a few huge bugs and other issues which only do the following:

  1. Encourage some dev’s to put out bad add-ons and blame the SDK and the sims issues.
  2. Hold back high quality development to some extent.
  3. Encourage nickel & diming add-ons which really serve no purpose.
  4. Eventually this will put people off and I fear all add-ons will be seen as bad.

Yes it customer choice, and dont get me wrong the vast majority of add-ons are amazing, this maybe one of them. But when you keep the bar low it tends to stay low, is all I am saying.


I have emailed the developer of this and asked them to be a little more descriptive of what this is. As it stands, I am choosing not to buy it, even for investigative purposes. I have also decided long ago that I am not at all interested in fictional aircraft. So if this is fictional (which I suspect it is), I am gonna pass.


Another plane from that developer? He should fix the retrectable gear on the Stride first.This one has a fixed gear too. Still got a bad taste in my mouth thinking about the Aerolight 103 carrying that problem around for months.

And if it’s fictional it’s off the table. Stuff like that belongs in the freeware categorie.


Yeah, I am not happy seeing another product from that guy so soon. I was giving them a benefit of doubt because that Stride was their first aircraft and I was hoping to see some issues fixed there before seeing another aircraft. If THIS is the business model for them, count me out. I don’t want them to cr4p out $12 planes every two weeks.


aircraft is similar to the old Schoenfeldt Firecracker - but with fixed LG…