New Release: Papercraft Aero Design UL Stride

Of course! If I may ask, what details are missing in your opinion? What would you like to see in an update?

Ok, deleted everything, I just wanted to express my opinion.

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It looks great! Is this a conversion you are flying? I am not really into buying non-native MSFS aircraft if cockpit functionality is compromised and it requires the Legacy flight model etc… I do have P3D 5.1, but their website says it’s for 1-4. Does this work with 5.1? I know Ant’s has a great reputation for solid aircraft in the P3D community. It’s also maybe a little unfair to compare the two as they look completely different in terms of the external model etc…

Ok, deleted everything, I just wanted to express my opinion.

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Had another fly around in it and have to say it’s pretty addictive for what it is. Simple, jump in and go and have a nosey around at your leisure.

Reading the Simmarket writeup on the dev, he’s a young French guy who’s been 3d modelling for a few yesrs and had a go at making an aircraft, so fair play for giving it a go.

Few things I’ve noticed:

In one flight the compass ending up pointing 180 degrees in the opposite direction for some reason; no idea why as every other flight it’s been fine.

The radio display on the dashboard does show frequencies for me, and they change when adjusting frequency on the Logitech Radio panel I have.

Agree the ‘My Manufacturer’ title etc does look a bit ‘Eh?’ in the aircraft selection menu.

No idea on general microlight performance but it goes off down the runway like a cruise missile; flat out at sea level around 150km/h 90mph . Think the info in sim is a little optimistic at 176 kts!

The gauge on the right of the dash doesn’t move with the needle stuck just past 25

Being really nit picky here, but the pilot does look a little, well, GTA’ish with the jeans, green combat jacket and black helmet with tinted visor. In no way does that spoil it as this thing is best flown from the cockpit imo (especially in VR) but an interesting choice of pilot model.

Added bonus is that PG London is the best it’s never been :partying_face:

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2021 04 21 Microlight landing London City


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