Welcome to the forum @Singularity3000 !!
VATSIM is awesome, I can highly recommend it (I don’t fly without it now, lol). There’s nothing to worry about as all of the controllers are friendly and happy to assist you along with your flight.
There is this guide here for new VATSIM users
What to Say and When on VATSIM
I really enjoy using VATSIM and one of the things I think people first worry about is what to say and when. There’s a number of good training materials at the Pilot Learning Center that are better than this post, so this is more just a quick recap. It’s not meant to be an exact guide or anything and lots of nits to pick for sure. It’s North American centric for this flight, so other places prefer different ways of ATC speaking (sometimes).
So here’s a quick inform…
Welcome again to the community!