New: simple simconnect command-line tool with search/get/set/watch plus autocomplete

Added a simple command-line tool to my pysimconnect package. Makes it easy to search for simulator variables, events and measurement units from the SDK documentation; inspect, change or watch variables over time; as well as sending simulator events, all without writing any code. Even auto-completes on variable names. Some examples below.


Wow! Thanks for this! I was able to get the get/watch/set comments working, but not the search commands! I haven’t been a developer in over 10 years, and I promise I tried to troubleshoot, but it seems like there’s a file missing from the package? See screenshot.

Showing that I can connect and “watch” ok.

EDIT - I found the file in your Github page. I downloaded the scvars_idx.json file, added it to the local install and all is working fine. Thanks again for the great tool!

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Great catch, my bad on the distribution config. Updated to v0.2.3 which should include that file in the build. Please share any other bugs / suggestions / feedback you find!

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Updated to pysimconnect v0.2.6 which adds support for string and integer (flag, enum, mask) simvars and fixes a couple of other user-reported issues


This is awesome!

I had a bit of trouble getting it to work but that was all due to me needing some research. For some reason I had to manually add the path for SimConnect to the PATH environmental variable.

It all works now. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your efforts!

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