New to Blender and having issues importing model

I am new to blender so please bare with me I am wanting to create an easter egg hunt.

But I am getting some errors exporting my eg model

It has created the files here ok.


But it appears to have also created another sub folder here.

I think that is why its having issues.

My Main XML FIle

<Project Version="2" Name="EasterEggHuntScenery" FolderName="Packages">

This is a “first time” thing. In the same session, close project editor, reopen your project, try Build All again.
In below instruction video it happened to Carl Hughes also :yum:

Also check this tutorial, he’s pointing out how he put his directory structure, create a new package in MSFS and corrected the texture files, which should be exp(2) in size (so texture is 2, 4, 8 , 16, 32, 64 etc pixels)

The export takes place from 3SDMax, the preparation in Windows and after that in FS is the interesting part…