Hello everyone, I’m a geriatric flight sim ‘victim’. I got me real PPL at age 50 and enjoyed 23 years and over 1,000 hours of single engine flying until arthritis grouinded me. Than, for my 85th birthday my kind family presented me with Xbox series S, MSFS2020, Velocity One yoke and a big curved screen. Bliss!
Sadly, I have spent more time in recent months battling with bugs than flying. I recognise that part of the problem is my limited grasp of technicalities in the sim’ world. Howver with my furtive incursions into the expertise available here, I have manged to get thet t throttle on the C172 working again but I have failed completely to get the brakes to work despite trying suggestions made by others. Having made a satisfactory landing, my C172 continues into the landscape until I cut the engine after which I end up amomg the trees or worse, upside down! When that happens I can only get back to trying again by rebooting the xbox a s otherwise I remain stuck where I am.
I af any of you kind and talented people has the patience to steer me through solutions to these problems I shall be eternally grateful. Profound thanks. GrandadPeter.
Welcome to the forums @Grandadtomluke! What a great gift your family surprised you with.
I created a new topic for you so those who may be able to help with your brake issue will be able to find it easily.
Can you clarify - are you using the Velocity One Rudder Pedals? If so, it looks like some users may have had similar issues and have a few workarounds:
Thank you Jummyvana for your help. Unfortunately I don’t have pedals and my battle is with the buttons on the Velocity One yoke. If I got to ‘training’ on the yoke screen both buttons show that they are assigned to brakes and respond to test pressing. They just don’t work otherwise nand there has to be a better solution than cutting the engine as soon as I flare if I’m to have any chance of stopping on the runway - and even doing so doesn’t always work and I sometimes get a long roll into the countryside. I’d love to have the brakes working as intended. Not just because I like to fly properly but because when my (non-flying) family watch my performance they suspect I’m losing my marbles! So I need a lot of help and guidance.
Which specific buttons on the yoke do you have bound to your brake controls?
What are the names of the specific controls you have the buttons bound to?
I’ll help the best I can. I suspect you just have the wrong controls mapped to the button.
I have the Velocity One and the Left Button and Right Button (on the front side of the yoke) are mapped to the left and right brakes. (https://support.turtlebeach.com/s/article/4408092902939-VelocityOne-Flight-List-Of-Programmable-Controls?language=en_US). The left and right triggers (below the buttons) are mapped to the rudder.
Hmm very strange. Is this the default controller profile for the velocity one? Or is it a custom one you built yourself? I don’t suspect its possible to get a screenshot of your controls screen on here. Are you sure these buttons arent mapped to the individual brake AXIS controls?
Have you tried mapping another button to see if it responds?
Do the pedals in the cockpit even move or produce a sound when you press the buttons?
I’ve created my own profiles by copying the existing ones, but I left the rudder and brake assignments as they were – only changing other button assignments. I can see the rudder pedals moving but can’t see the brake pedals – but they do respond correctly when the buttons are pressed.
Perhaps try deleting your brake buttons from the profile. Then rebind them to the proper left and right brake controls. Dont forget to save and apply.
I thought you were asking me questions, not the topic author. The brake buttons are working fine for me.
Thanks for the help. I haven’t changed anything from the original settings. So the left and right brake buttons are at the top of the VO yoke above the rudder triggers. The brakes have never worked for me so I’l try anything to find a solution
We need to check that those buttons are telling the simulator to apply the brakes. Looking at this document posted above by FacetedArrow204 https://support.turtlebeach.com/s/article/4408092902939-VelocityOne-Flight-List-Of-Programmable-Controls?language=en_US shows by default they are bound as camera and systems modifiers and not the brakes. I think if you simply change to the single engine prop profile that is included in the firmware for that peripheral, it will fix your issue.
Thanks for your suggestion KaelaNikNak but my Velocity One is in fact set for single engine profile and testing in ‘Training’ mode both RB and LB buttons show right and left brakes responding OK but they don’t actually work on landing so I am still at a loss to know how to correct this.
did you try deleting them and rebinding. I’ve had similar issues before and that fixed it for some reason. It’s a long shot but worked for me a couple times.