New to The Flying World

I am going to purchase MAFS2020 and was told Not to buy it from Microsoft and to buy it from another online vendor due to the fact that the Microsoft Direct Purchase had some adjustments in ti that were being Blocked ! Does anybody know if there is any truth to this ? Will I be able to Fly just using a Mouse in the beginning before purchasing additional Hardware? What would you recommend a new player should buy 1st ?

ThanK you

Hi @OverripeSteam86, welcome to the forums. As for where to buy, this post sums up the 2 main options (MS Store or Steam), and is well worth reading. There are no drawbacks like you mentioned regarding either option. I went with the MS store, and would recommend that if you have any interest in XBOX Play Anywhere, etc.

As far as hardware, you cannot control the airplane using the mouse. You can get by for a short time using the keyboard numpad and autopilot to fly around, but you will quickly want to pickup a joystick. You can also get an xBox controller and use with Windows if you like. Expanding from there really depends on your budget and preferences. The Honeycomb brand of yoke / throttle is very popular.

What are your computer specs (CPU / GPU / RAM)?

Hey! Welcome!

You can try Xbox pass (maybe in your country could try for free the first month).

The first peripheral you will need to buy is a joystick, 100%.

Thanks for the reply Juice. Advice well taken. Most folks are tilting me toward Steam. Can I buy the basic version and then buy the upgrades at a later time? My Computer is an Intel i7-8700k 16GB memory
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 120GB SSD + 2 TB HDD. Will that work ?

Thank You for that Info Seykus9897 I will look into XBox Pass :slight_smile:

Yes, no problem doing that, but you will end up paying more that way. They make it advantageous to get the bundle.

Those computer specs should do just fine.

Thanks Again! Advice well taken and accepted. I’m glad the computer specs will work :slight_smile:

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You might want to add a 2nd ssd to your system, 120 is your C: drive right this means you’ll have to install the game on the D: drive hdd which will result in a little bit slower disk access. I went from it being on a HDD to a SDD and the game loaded and ran so much better.

Thanks Bubba, That’s good advice and well taken. I was hesitant about loading the game on my extra HHD. Your Idea of an external SSD sounds like the solution.

Dont buy an external one, ie usb drive it wont speed things up just buy another ssd and install it internally. You should have 4-6 drive channels. Just make sure you get a cable to connect it, and the right dam screws. The one I bought had no dam screws to mount the HD with and no rails either. And to top it off the screws to mount the ssd were a diff size then the screws to mount a HDD it took a couple of hours of searching through my parts bins to find the correct size screws.