New to the sim, how would you map Hotas Warthog


Just get my Hotas Warthog.

What do you think is necessary to have mapped besides the default mapping? There are a lot of buttons and I would like to have the essentials to fly with airliners and propellers

Thank you for your support.

Nobody can tell you what you need.
I put some viewing changes on my stick. AP off on the red Button. All three trims on both POV .
And i made different bindings for different aircrafts on my warthog throttle.
Engine start, gears, lights, ignition and so on and on.

Best thing is to map them as you see the need of it.

Eveybody has different ā€˜favoritesā€™ and we donā€™t know what (default) mapping you currently have.

If you notice that you need a function very often, then map it. As simple as that.

I know this is an old post and I also know that the most reasonable answer is 'You set them up as you prefer yourself".

Still - I find it so tedious to do so I almost skip using my Warthog HOTAS. It may have to do with me being lazy and having a hard time making decisions about even the small things - like what button should do what. Still. All this assign (which is a slow process by itself inside the sim), test fly, go back, reassign.

Iā€™d love to have like a library online with templates from ppl, perhaps with a description on what the profile ā€œgoalsā€ are. Like ā€œGeneral prop profile for casual flyerā€ or ā€œcustomized to work with the B747 specificallyā€ etc. Not that I expect somebody elseā€™s profile to fit me out of the box but maybe they have thought about things I didnā€™t. It could be a good starting point to develop my own profile - rather than doing it from scratch or from the defaults.

But in the endā€¦ ok. Iā€™m lazy. Guilty. Stillā€¦ :slight_smile:

Wellā€¦set it up like you preferā€¦ :joy:
But serious, iā€™m using my Warthog Hotas, now with a new base for the stick, since 1 1/2 year aprox.
Stickbinding was never changed when i got ā€œmyā€ setting, because is bind to trim, sights und AP off. Nothing more and there is nothing left to bind. Ok, one switch is reserved for VATSIM, whenever i start with it. :laughing:

The throttle is a little different and depends on the aircraft. Iā€™m off to use all switches, because it doesnā€™t make sense to me.
Most used stuff is: Battery, APU, Engine (A320), Flaps, Airbrake and Lights(Taxi/Landing). Tried to bind all switches, but is much more easier to use the cockpit view for some stuff, and some bindings are only usable with mobiflight and the variables, i.e. FBW Engine Start.
So in the end, we are going back to the beginning. Set it up as you prefer, because only you have to work with it. :innocent:

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Yes, yes, I know this. Set up as you prefer. Itā€™s not about that for me, really.

Itā€™s about the work that has to go into getting there. For me, seeing or trying out what others come up with (not only applicable to HOTAS bindings) is a way of understanding, getting ideas and inspiration. And, yeah, in some cases, getting a head start.

Another problem is, I donā€™t know what I prefer. If I did, I would have had my profile(s) by now. So while mapping and remapping to find out what I prefer is ā€œthe way to goā€, I humbly wish for more alternatives - like trying out what other people have come up with - or how they reason when finding their preferences. :slight_smile:

But yes, youā€™re right. Of course. :+1: :blue_heart: :joystick:

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Well, you need a hint. Here we go. :wink: (BAE and FBW)

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call me dumb but I bought the sim last saturday, and only yesterday discovered you have an option to detect inputs to assign. ItĀ“s the small lens on the upper row of the binding dialogue.
I have 7 usb devices plus my rudder pedals. The Warthog at least has the diagram with the labels lol.
But my winwing takeoff panel shows a lovely ā€œ?ā€ icon hahahaha. Then I went to controls - gear, found the ā€œgear upā€ command.
Click on the lens
Operate the switch. The sim recognizes it and shows the button.
I choose that button from the dropdown menu. And thatĀ“s all.

so sorry if you already know this, but I feel you when you said itĀ“s a tedious process. For me, with this way, itĀ“s not anymore.

happy flying sir