New update 1.9.4 on the way

I’m sensing a shift from initial angriness towards blackish humor on this forum. I like that :smirk:
I’ve had spontaneous crashes, file path issues, AP weirdness and since 1.9.3 my menu bar is gone during flying. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Yet, I refuse to abandon FS and will (im)patiently wait for better days. The scenery and weather is just too addictive.


It’s fun! We should all be used to some “gallows humor” by now… :smile:

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I can barely tolerate the Airbus and CL4. The 787 is buggy. I like the TBM and turboprops a lot, and I’ve been enjoying some VFR flying more than ever. This sim is ideal for that. But, I’m a tubeliner guy at heart, so we do what we have to do ya know?



Much better blackish humour or any humour at all than anger or continual carping on about the same things. I’m all for it too.


At first I was annoyed by all the complaining, but indeed it’s becoming more fun to read through the topics. Some people are really funny. Let’s all chill. :relaxed:


Yes I know, I wasn’t really trying to avoid speculation.
I was just pointing out that something had changed in the content manager and it eluded to a 1.9.4 patch.
As soon as I wrote that I realised it would ellicit some wild speculation which I also mentioned in my original post. It was a tongue in cheek comment. :wink:

Are you referring to Flight Simulator for the next XBox?

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The next patch is going to turn this magnificent peacock into an hawk :grin:


Definitely and undoubtly, something is just happening on the Sim cloud storage. :slight_smile: Maybe a first hotfix (I hope so)? Maybe they already begun the preparation of next upcoming patch (10 days before official schedule)? Don’t know, but anyway, I’m a little bit curious about this… :wink:

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They might deploy a hotfix before the 15th to fix the crashes though

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They also might not. Not much point in getting people’s hopes up.

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I’ll second that one.

Of course updates (I mean patches) are scheduled as stated. But in the meantime, a hotfix may come. Or can’t? :wink:

So just facts say only that OP noticed that:

  • Something is happening / appearing within the Content Manager, more tham “RELAUNCH” notice this time.
  • Some packages are referencing a the future version 1.9.4 of the game.

My additional note:

Shift from >>> seems rather like minor hotfix(es) than a big scheduled update. ASOBO usually updates the second component of version number within what they call “patches” (ie bigger updates of the Sim). Third (or latest fourth) component of version number is usually (in general software development / deployment) incremented within some hotfixes / service releases.

So anyway, we will see soon… :slight_smile:


Asobo mentioned in their Q+A that they are planning on using hotfixes, or “critical updates” in between their 2 week update cadence. So I wouldn’t be surprised if 1.9.4 was actually coming, but then again it could be a typo or a bug.

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Asobo mentioned in their Q+A that they are planning on using hotfixes, or “critical updates” in between their 2 week update cadence. So I wouldn’t be surprised if 1.9.4 was actually coming, but then again it could be a typo or a bug.

Actually, they stated they wanted to move to once a month patch updates with world updates in between. They stated that patches every 2 weeks was to often and didn’t provide enough time to thoroughly vet before releasing

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why the Content Manager proposes something depending of a future update (1.9.4)?
Where is the “fs-base-propdefs” folder , in the 1.9.4 update ?

Actually, 42 is ASCII code for an asterisk (*), which when used as a search wildcard, literally means “anything.” So the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything is literally anything you want it to be.


Ah yes, but what was the question?

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I fly the 172 (G1000) on autopilot all over the place and haven’t had any serious problems except for RNAV landings being a little bit buggy. The only thing I wish is that they would let you popout the whole G1000 bezel so I could stick it on some tablet or monitor touchscreens. The most annoying thing in the game is trying to manipulate those tiny dials with a mouse.

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You can.

Use the righthand ALT key. You’ll get a plus sign. Click and move the popup anywhere you want. :slight_smile: