New update 1.9.4 on the way

Seven, he’s talking about the controls on the G1000, not the display.

If they do intend to release this patch, suppose they will tell something by Thursday, it won’t be much of a hotfix if they only release it in a few weeks.

82,16 GB doesn’t sound like a “hot fix” to me. :wink:


Oh I know. But it only pops out the actual screen, not the bezel with the knobs and switches, so you can’t actually change anything on the touchscreen like heading or altitude etc. Hopefully someday either MS or a modder will fix this.

Got it.

Yea… I wish it would pop out with the bezel too… that would be great!

I’ve been use FSTramp app to be able to fly the airplanes with Autopilot broken or with malfunctions.
In my opinion one of the best app available to build flightplans , moving map , navigraph , sid , stars, everything we need to fly.
I available for all flight simulators versions.

It is in the WindowsApp folder. Use IOBit Unlocker to peek inside.

Mmmmmmm 82GB?? :expressionless:

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Well, 82,16 GB is not size of an update. It’s just size of the already installed Core Content package on your disk. :wink: There’s no size info for Core Content update…


82 GB?
That’s another flight simulator
Maybe MSFS 2021…

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hello just want to inform you that I found a bug and maybe it is the cause of the A320 malfunction. The file ASOBO-FLIGHTS-COMMENCIAL-FLIGHT is not downloaded in any way, but it appears in the notifications that it was downloaded !! I hope you can verify and repair this problem since I still have the same problems as with patch 1.8 !!

I have found, that all the settings in the AP can be entered prior to taking off, but if I enable AP before I’m in the air, the plane is unstable and crashes. Putting in my settings is fine, even turning on FD and such, just do not turn on the main AP button, see if that makes a difference.

For all, well maybe only USA folks, but anyone who purchased from MS Store, should check for updates there first before opening the game and checking for updates inside it. MS Updates parts and pieces which the Simulator needs to run out of the store. Just saying. I also check windows update twice a day as well. Hope this helps.

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Judging by the numbering convention, 1.9.4 if at all going to be released is just a “minor” hotfix. Every big update they increased the second digit of the three.

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Here - have a little more fuel on the fire…


The plot thickens :dizzy_face:


Please remember everyone we are all beta testers. At one point these updates will hopefully lead to a semi finished project


What the heck?? 1.9.5 already? I still didn’t get my 1.9.4 update!!! :rage:


:small_airplane: :smiley_cat:


Enabling AP on the ground is a surefire way to cause all kinds of problems.

The real APs that tie into the G1000 for instance are not to be activated < 200 feet AGL or < 80 knots.

If only Asobo had written some documentation to go with this sim that told us how the systems are supposed to work… Upvote here if you think such documentation should be provided.


This Fix makes Insider Watermarks on your Monitor :joy: