New update to C or D drive?

I noticed the update is trying to load to the C disk and on my PC the simulator is on the D disk.

Which one should this go to?

Thank you!

Hi there, What sizes are your drives? and are they SSD?

The C drive is a 111GB SSD, the D drive is a 931 GB, but it’s not a SSD ( I tried looking it up, and didn’t see anything that was the exact model. My info says it’s a WDC WDEZEX-21WN4AO)

Hi, I would say to point your installation to the D drive since it has alot more disk space…I would like to get some feedback from other users with more experience. Also one note is that the software will install a small portion to the C Drive.

Okay, thanks, I’ll keep watching. I don’t know if this update is for people who have added items from other vendors or everyone.

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