Largely agreed, it will be a niche product for consumers… I’m not sure it will have any real issues though as it doesn’t need any specific support like pimax does in some cases. For one it has full openXR support and that really solves a lot of the issues of supporting a specific headset going forwards.
Like you however, despite being able to afford it they haven’t given me enough to make me really want to buy it over sticking with the G2. Perhaps that would change if I ever tried one in person but from a paper specs perspective it misses a couple of boxes that I would want ticked at that price point, especially since I would have to buy into the lighthouse ecosystem too which would bump me up to near £3k. I’m not someone that baulks at spending money where I think it will bring me suitable enjoyment (my full motion rig would render that argument moot lol), but it just doesn’t hit my own personal price/value point at such a level… especially given my own beliefs as to where VR will be in the next 1-2 years.
That said, I look forward to seeing wider impressions of this thing when it starts arriving with customers next year. I’m sure it’ll make a lot of people very happy!