Me and a small group of people are building a Virtual Airline and are looking for people who would be interested in joining.
Currently we are looking for a Staff Team to help run operation and will also be recruiting pilots to fly with us.
We are looking at basing the VA on a real world airline that will be partnered with others so that you can fly any Aircraft Type you can think of while still earning hours.
Pilots will be earned with rewards for achieving milestones and some of these will include marketplace giveaways and so on.
Training Schemes will also be set up which will teach you how to fly certain aircraft the correct way and will further enhance your skills as a pilot.
We are developing our own Crew Center where Pilots will be able to requests flights to fly, file PIREPS and much more.
There is so much we want to do with this and this is only the start.
If you are genuinely interested please don’t hesitate to contact me on here or via discord.
Good morning.
Yes I’m interested, Currently part of the Flight Crew in MSFS 2020. Currently flying the a320 Airbus! Learning the Nav systems in the F-18 Hornet and the Eurofighter Typhoon.
A former GA Pilot.
If you go to the community events folder you will see a calendar of “group flights”. Click on any link and you will have all the information for that particular group flight. Show up at the right airport at the right time on the right server with multi-player enabled and fly along with everyone else. Usually there’s a link to the discord channel so you can chat with the other group members during the flight.