Hey folks - hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
I’ve been using flight sims for about 10 years (started on FSX, and now really enjoy MSFS). My first port of call for issues, bugs, CTDs, aircraft system guides, etc, has always been YouTube videos - I just find them so much easier than written word.
That said, I find that ultra short (under 3 min), brief and concise tutorials can sometimes be more useful. A 90 minute explainer on how to work all of a particular system is great, but sometimes I just want to get back into the cockpit as quickly as possible. It’s helpful to have both in depth explanations, and quick, simple, TLDR versions.
I’ve therefore started my Easy MSFS Tutorials channel on YouTube, with the intention of answering common questions as quickly and simply as possible. My plan is to keep all videos well under four minutes, geared towards beginners in flight simulation. While I’m a big fan of reading a 300 word manual on Jeppesen charts, I know not everyone has time for that…!
My first video is below, looking at how to quickly set up Navigraph’s tablet app for an IFR flight. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas related to brief and simple MSFS tutorials, do reach out