News on Gaya Simulations Munich?

I’d say go for SimWings, especially if you can grab it in a sale. It is really decent overall and has good performance. I can’t imagine Gaya can top that.

Thank you for the response, im going to go for the SimWings one. God knows when Gaya’s will be out :slight_smile:

Yes, Gaya’s version might be slightly better in the end but the sim wings version is also very good.

nah Simwings does LOOK nice but ILS approach does not work. removed and wtih stock EDDM back to normal.
so waiting unpatiently for Gaya release of EDDM.

Have you reported this to Aerosoft/SimWings?

yes i did on their forums. issue is, ils frequencies are not in the scenery airport. airport info in the G3000 is empty. if you dial in the nav1 frequency for the runway ils manually then ils works.