i know…but I would like to find a way for this community to work as a community and try to find a solution…the toggle seems the fair option. I honestly cannot rest knowing what this engine was capable of doing…
To be fair though, they have a legitimate need for their interests, just as we do. It would be better to find a compromise. A toggle would be ideal if that’s possible in the multiplayer model.
Yes, see now what happened with the turbulence option that many were against because weather should be same for everyone. Have not seen many complains of turbulence that it’s overdone after su12.
I’m really happy for that option, i need to prais Asobo to implement that. Now we want the same with the METAR MB weather. I want pre su7 MB model only nothing else that doesn’t fit. Then they could add more data from MB that actually would improve and already fit the complete picture of weather. I have waited for more data from MB added since release but we have only seen METAR added that not fit.
if they are able to have turbulence optional then it’s possible to have it with METAR, please Asobo this issue for us makes the game unplayable, for us it’s not just a cosmetic problem!
Best compromise would have been to make the METARS static and to read the sim data from MB. Would function the same way anyways. If they wanted to keep things realistic there are easy websites and even an APP to do METAR searches for every airport in the world from Flightsim.to, MetarLookup. By using METAR in the game, it’s easy to see that it takes priority and also it’s causing a clear conflict with how to depict the weather and the weather engine doesn’t know what to do. Thinking back on it now, lots of the cloudscapes look similar in form to previous METAR engine depictions, I wonder why… Sometimes it does look nice and you get lucky. But if pre SU7 had all of these interesting variations all the time and people are understandably not happy about it…there’s a reason for that too. In the screenshot threads for What did you do in MSFS?, for every 1-2 VATSIM flights there’s 9 with that not mentioned. As to why they got a huge factor into deciding a core feature, no idea. VATSIM is ‘free’ but at the same time generates quite a bit of $$.
Case in point, I haven’t been playing for several months now specifically because of this one deal-breaking issue.
This is basically another aspect of the general issue reported in the other major thread, about the inexcusable flaws of the METAR blending implementation. It is a show-stopper, for me and others.
I continue to check these forums regularly for news on this almost every day, for I do wish to resume flying in MSFS as much as anyone else. Except that as long as this issue remains unsolved (or someone manages to hack the sim by low-level memory access, such that external apps like ActiveSky can do their thing) I inevitably choose not to bother.
It is simply too much on top of everything else, (all other issues can be excused or just modded away) to see something which was once so amazing (pre-SU7 clouds) reduced to such a lesser thing.
Yet, we have sufficient empirical data from observed behavior to come upon the reasonable conclusion, that: If one could simply toggle out the METAR blending system, there could be a massive improvement on cloud formations and weather consistency. (even if at the expense of minute-by-minute “accuracy” (mind the quotes, as there is no evidence that this has actually improved with Metar Blending (yes, these are nested parenthesis (how did you guess I’m a programmer?)) ) );
Anyways - A toggle option just might make the whole problem more or less go away
I am (and I’m sure many others are also) more than willing to make the tradeoff of METAR accuracy for the benefit of vastly better visuals and flight experience.
This approach worked very well for the irreconcilable opinions on just how much turbulence is actually “realistic” to have in the sim. So much so that the amount of turbulence is no longer in question - Only the occasions where it is(n’t) encountered are still an issue of serious magnitude.
I hope SU13 will be ALL about the weather. Until then, I’m gonna just sit back and wait it out. No point trying to take the sim seriously under these conditions.
I think they need two different servers for that to happen that send different streams of data. Pre su7 we had 12 hours of data streams and now we have 6 hours of data streams together with those METAR updates. It requires a bit of work and maybe they have changed too much to be able to have a toggle to revert back.
I really hope i’m wrong.
So disappointing to see that the ‘fried eggs’ are still going to occur.
The problem remains through the idea that Live Weather must be experienced the same for every user. There is really no such need.
Once you accept that you shouldn’t build Live Weather around the idea that every player using ‘Live’ settings has to have the same weather experience, then possible solutions become much easier: you could have a toggle option between Meteoblue only or MB+METAR. And then let players pick according to need.
In fact a player on LOW graphic settings already has a pretty different experience from one in ULTRA and one who has set turblance to low is already getting a different flight experience in Live Weather.
To reiterate - it’s the concept that Live Weather has to be the same for all that is the essential flaw. It already isn’t.
Totally agree! Hasn’t that always been the case that we are using different weather experiences? I know when i used fsx,p3d, xplane and other simulators i had different weather experiences depending on what addon i were choosing to use. Those different addons we had different opinions of what were best and could choose the one that we liked the most. I bought rex near release of this sim and used it only one time and switched back to live-weather. Now we are forced to use that type of weather because they forced METAR on us without the option to switch back to the experience we liked.
But maybe flight simming isn’t something for us that want a seamless, fluid and dynamic experience? It feels like that actually. I must say that i liked that Asobo thought outside the box for once with this sim weather at release 2020. Then the accuracy were the thing that caused the whole weather system to change. I didn’t expect that.
Maybe there are grander future plans that mean the multiplayer world needs to have it’s weather synched, but given there is no native player2player voice, or interactive in-game, intra-player ATC and nor will there be for several years at the very least, then I don’t see the present need for synched up weather.
So give me a toggle to use irl METAR when I fly vatsim and another to use MB modleled weather the rest of the time.
No, that’s not a compromise because it won’t work on VATSIM. VATSIM doesn’t use MeteoBlue.
And as someone above mentioned, griping about it in this thread, isn’t going to do anything. You need to create a wish list item, and get people to vote enough to make it happen.
You know the silly thing about the whole VATSIM situation is that let’s be honest, people fly on VATSIM for ATC. Any ATC that is on is going to provide some type of weather information whether it’s in the form of an ATIS or simply a weather report that they (the controllers) themselves probably pull up on a side screen and read off to you. So the whole idea of needing to have METARS in MSFS for VATSIM is largely moot because that information is SO EXTREMELY accessible. If we lived in a time before Ipads, smartphones, or anyway to externally pull up information, I could see the argument. MSFS is also generally limited as to how far away you can pull METAR info from anyways, roughly about 100NM or so. So even then you’d be relying on other resources outside of MSFS to pre plan or get a look ahead or whatever.
If I drove down to my local airport, pre planned a flight with the current METAR, by the time I was ready to fly, it’d be outdated. So this whole notion that METARS are necessary for having ‘live’ accurate weather is also nonsense to a large degree. METARS are only accurate from when they get posted. Every minute after their ‘accuracy’ degrades as the weather has already moved on from those initial reporting conditions. In that sense with the degradation of accuracy from the initial posting, things become predictive by looking up into the sky or off into the distance…which is what you’d need to rely on using MB anyways. So again, if METARS were a static reporting station of the airports weather, that’s the job. But we’ve turned it into deciding what they should weather should be and not what it could become by being dynamic. I’ve seen METAR reports updated multiple times because the weather is so fluid or it needed correction. I’m not tuning into an ATIS every 10-15 minutes just to see if it’s accurate. I look at it once and fly. If I need a reference and I’m a few hundred miles away or hours, I just pull up an APP. Not that difficult.
1000% agree. It was really good, but now with this fog around every airport and the clearly visible METAR bubbles, i feel like its P3D again with these METAR based weather AddOns…
The peoples who voted for this, didnt understand that this will happen… here we are now.
I really hope they manage to blend it way better in, or just get rid of it again.
In my opinion the more unpredictable weather we had pre su7 were more realistic than the 100% predictable weather we have now.
In the real world we can’t expect the weather to match a METAR 100%. But in flight simulators it’s a must.
In the real world when we are checking a METAR we need to be aware of sudden changes in weather. In a flight simulator we knows the weather stays as METAR says in a circle around the airports until the next METAR.
Isn’t the atmosphere in flight simulators supposed to feel realistic and believable?
The MSFS community has decided that they want it to be predictable. You will have to lobby the community to change their minds. That’s very difficult and requires more than hope.
It’s a long, difficult, tedious and slogging battle
I don’t want to change minds of users. I want Asobo to understand there is more than one opinion.
When this sim couldn’t create its own metar, it could be a bit of a gamble when planning any sort of flight (vatsim or not) what it was going to be like at the other end (the wind data on the world map ceased to be available once you pressed fly), hence the desire for it to match IRL sources. But now the sim seems to be able to do a good job of analysing weather and creating organic in-sim METARS - you see this when programming custom weather/winds. So that removes one of the arguments against IRL METAR only.
If you mean the ATIS say correct things about the weather? Then i 100% agree. That they should have focused on fixing since release of this sim together with making sure the data from MB were injected correct because i remember the 225@3kts globally at release. In sim generated METARS we don’t have yet right? That would have been the most realistic. Have dynamic fluid weather that gets simulated observed instead of fix weather in a METAR-state. Only to convert the data that ATIS says in a METAR format every 30-minutes or so.
No, not really, but you can see how the sim converts custom weather settings into METAR-format in the weather toolbar. SHould not be impossible for it to do the same from sim-generated live weather.