Next Level Racing Motion Platform V3 and VR


I am also following this thread.

No, sorry. I can’t help you with the NLR dual setup. I wish I could.

I’ve had my eye on the Yaw2 lately but it’s also sort of uncharted territory. The NLR gear looks great, but like you say, you need to kit it out to get the whole experience.

I want a motion platform but can’t quite decide which path to take. Hopefully someone else can chime in with some hands on experience.


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You can get a lot of info from

warning! it could get expensive :slight_smile:

I might be really dumb or missing something here, but OP mentions the DOF P6 platform is $749. However, when I go to the DOF site and select the P6, it’s listed at over $7000. Has the price drastically increased or am I looking at the wrong website?



I think that reference higher up in the thread may have been towards DOF Reality selling an (equivalent) seat mover to the NLR V3.

DOF sell a product called - Seat Mover MS2. It’s only 2 axis, similar to the NLR V3. That DOF product retails for $749 USD.

I think the DOF P6 has always been roughly $7000, give or take inflation, currency exchange, etc.

Hope that helps? I haven’t tried either product so can’t comment on quality or comparisons, sorry.


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Thank you! And reading it over, you are right. I shouldn’t watch TV and browse at the same time. My uptake slows down ten-fold! :slight_smile:

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Not necessarily. After learning a lot on Xsimulator forums, and consulting the gurus there, I built my own ultra-budget 2DOF motion VR cockpit, and it doesnt’ just have full motion (not a “seat mover”, the whole cockpit moves!), but I also built a large-throw pendular yoke that also converts to a large-throw joystick, 9-axis Boeing-style universal throttle quadrant with thrust reversers and everything + trim wheel and aileron/rudder trim knob, 6 dual encoder + 8 button box, switch box with boeing-style gear lever, and HOTAS throttle that converts to heli collective and it’s switch box. And DIY buttkickers! The experience is out of this world! I can fly all kinds of planes and helicopters the proper way, and controls are so much better than anything you can buy within reasonable budget. And I only spent about $430 in parts total. For the whole rig and controls! Well, if you count the stuff I had lying around, maybe $550 or so, if youhave to buy everything… The sky is the limit though. People are building 6DOF platforms, but those are much more expensive due to powerful motors/actuators and othe material cost. But believe me, even 2DOF like mine pushes the sim immersion to a whole new level. Buttkicker is a must though, it works very well with motion to trick your brain.

Haha! I speak from experience!

Yep I’ve seen your rig and its very cool! Awesome that you were able to get all that functionality on a budget, and show everyone how you did it. “A little goes a long way” is very true when you’re in a VR headset, you dont need a ton of movement to make it awesome. If my buttkicker software quits, i notice something missing right away.

That said, I’m a machine designer so i had to go all out. It costs less than a new motorcycle, i keep telling myself. For now.

That’s an amazing design! I don’t have a budget nor machinery nor welding skills to do something like that. But a 6DOF rig like that is going to be amazing, no doubt. How would you do force feedback though, especially on rudder pedals? The only way I see people do it buy old Microsoft Force Feedback joysticks on ebay and piggy-back its internals. Is there even a way to get the data from MSFS needed for meaningful force feedback on any control? Iguess yo could fake it based on speed data and control deflection degree if you really want to…

There is a program xpforce that should be able to fake FFB well enough. Even without that, being able to control how the stick feels for different aircraft just with basic spring/dampening adjustment will be pretty neat.

Yes, definitely a very cool thing to have! Post when you have you rig working!

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