Night lighting - Terrain emits light?

They did mention Dubai and others similar not being fixed in that last Q&A. They explained why.

I understand. So how is it that they closed the issue by marking it ‘Done’ in the recent update?

I wonder if the night lighting update (#5) is related to this thread. Are they reading it wrong? Is people OK with the current X-Plane / arcade lighting we have now?

Please, Asobo, take these fixes to the art department before releasing it. No graphic designer would OK this patch. It was soo much better before. Yes, it could receive some tweaks, but it was just georgeous by itself.

What do you mean…? Do you mean illuminated roads should be black, while the desert should glow in the dark?
It looks like “that”, but not as bright. It’s not the brightness being discussed obviously.
Light comes from the streetlights. Surrounding areas dark/black.
MSFS looks the opposite of of reality in that scene.
Your eyes and camera sensor pick up the same photons.
The camera picks up more = brighter, and the eyes have better dynamic range.
Look again, if you can disregard the clipped bright pixels. Look at where the light is coming from, and what should be bright or dark IRL, compare that to MSFS. Do you see the difference?


I believe they split all lighting issues into several tasks from what I understood of the Q&A.

That some people are bringing photos that are long exposures ones. No city looks like a pot of melted gold glowing in the dark.

Yes we are well aware of that, but an a picture of an elephant does not become a giraffe just because the exposure is longer… You’re still missing the point of those comparisons and what’s being discussed.

It’s the light sources that’s being compared. It’s still a representation of where light is emitted from. An illuminated road will be be brighter than non-illuminated sorroundings. No matter under/over-exposure. In the sim there are many examples of the opposite, due to the flawed Sepia mask we’re discussing.
You seriously don’t believe that highly illuminated highways should be black while dark deserts should glow in the dark, right? No exposure setting will change that.

That’s exactly what they said in the Q&A…
The fixed only part of the problem now, while the rest will be improved over time.
They have increased lamp draw range (as they definitely should), which was before just 2-3 kilometers while in reality you can easily see lamps more than 10 times that far unless fog/haze/misty conditions.

But, without adjusting the other related shortcomings, we ended up with quite a horrible looking chimera. Why the update was released before adressing/tuning the related problems like overly bright lamps, too big texture, too much uniformity / lacking variation, lamp-less rural roads now lighting up like highways… That, I don’t know, but they seemed aware of this in the Q&A, mentioning some of this.

I don’t think anyone is happy with how it looks now. But understanding what they did, and why, and what else will be done, I’m happy they finally do something about the dreadful Sepia brown radioactive terrain we had up until now. Can’t wait for seeing the end results and start night flying again.

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Yeah it still looks very weird. They also said about Dubai in the Q&A. The only way to permanently solve this problem would be : a) getting higher resolution Black Marble imagery from NASA or, b) totally removing it from being visible on the surface while maxing out the draw distance of all the road lights and at the same time applying the black marble imagery(the one they use as a sepia texture) as a filter for the visible light sources over their road-vector data. User @Grinde81 made a detailed and really helpful analysis for this, on the other more recent thread about the new lighting named “Terrible night lighting after Patch 5”. Check it out.

  1. Terrible night lighting after patch 5
  2. Terrible night lighting after patch 5

For some reason they don’t seem to have a graphic designer in the crew. One single glance into the screen and he [she] would say “this is a no no”. I’m not even sure if it was worthy to mention any lighting tweak at this point other than the airports. I’ve done some night flights over my city (Rio de Janeiro) and the mountains and the thing was just gorgeous all the way through downtown to the little cities at the mountains. Really amazing.

I wonder why they keep trashing things that weren’t trashed before. Now I can’t fly anymore at night. The whole city seems to be inside my cockpit. It is just awful, borderline insane.


Yeah I totally with you on that one, why drop the lighting update before addressing the related/required issues…? I’d happily fly with the old one until the issues with the “new” lights have been ironed out, instead of having this half-baked solution, while waiting for the rest.

I don’t think they dropped this item from the list, otherwise it would be closed as “done” here.
So I guess it will still remain a top item in the list with the remaining work being scheduled/prioritized with further updates.

Edit: Hmmm Thursday’s development update indeed lists the whole report of this thread as “Done” :frowning:

The more I fly around now the more I miss the old lights as well. This recent change was just slapped on with little if any attempt to match a real world appearance. I cannot get the light objects to be sharp. Against the backdrop of the new TAA which makes things almost over-sharp it’s a jarring overlay. Before, cranking up the render scaling to 150-200 made it look amazing. Now it makes no difference at all. The light objects are almost the same pixel size throughout and looks like there’s a depth of field effect on them even though I have that turned off.


The last statement that u made is what I sit for the whole day and ponder upon now !!!

Why they had to even bother changing the early builds night lighting ??? It was just terrific !!!
Whosoever has come across these pre release screenshots agrees that the early builds night lighting was the best and closest to reality.

@Jummivana Please raise this issue again with Asobo and especially draw their attention towards the community’s earnest demand for bringing back the early builds night lighting.We all really want it back.

Speaking of that, I developed an algorithm that reproduce night lighting procedurally using OSM data. It is perfectible, but it gives a good idea of how it should look from a vertical angle.

Argelès Gazost, FR

Arcachon, FR

Bordeaux, FR

San Francisco, USA


This feature has been added as part of Update 5 (v1.10.7.0)