I use navigraph.
Who’s fault is it if an add on airport does not show the approaches when flight planning. World map and with the WT3000 addon (my usual method of flight planning)
Palm Springs not the only add on with problems - and I don’t find the ‘it’s their fault’ comments helpful!
PSP has approaches (flew it the other week) and I am a Navigraph user.
I would down the sim. Uninstall Navigraph using the NavData Center utility. Delete the Content.xml file. Restart the sim. Verify it’s working using stock NavBlue NavData. Down the sim. Reinstall Navigraph. Start sim and check PSP…
Was this with the axonos add on? Seen other reports of this problem.
But will try your suggestions
If it’s and add-on, yes, most likely the airport authors have to address lack of IAP.
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There is an update to KPSP and it adds the procedures available on ORBX ACONOS site.
Good add-on, it would be nice if the Air Museum had some warbirds parked in front.