Create an IFR FLTPLN and send to avionics and ATC. Get the IFR clearance, runway assignment, altitude and taxi instructions on the ground. After takeoff no ATC. No “contact Seattle Center” or any further communication. Just an option at the bottom of the ATC window to request flight following. Have tried with flight plans from the EFB, from SimBrief and from Navigraph charts. Same results from all of them. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting in the Sim that I need to turn on.
It usually happens when you don’t take off in 30min after requesting IFR clearance and they cancel IFR plan after this time. Just request flight following while in the air and there should be an option to request again the old IFR plan. This is how it worked in FS2020. Should be the same in FS2024, unless there is a bug which would not surprise me.
I am usually taking off within 3-4 minutes after creating the IFR fltpln. I have had the option to request the old IFR fltpln, unfortunately, it sends me to a different runway than my fltpln was for.
Last night I did get ATC with a fltpln created in SimBrief dispatch. However SimBrief dispatch doesn’t have the ILS approaches and transitions for my regional flying in the Pacific Northwest. Or, at least I can’t find them.
Approach procedures are never included in Simbrief flight plan. You need to enter them manually into flight management system.
If you have a plan that consistently causes this behavior, please consider uploading it along with your aircraft details to see if others can reproduce, which is step 1 to troubleshooting.
Thank you for the clarification on SimBrief. Appreciated!
I will put the flight plan and aircraft details here later today.
This is the last flight today. Origin; Salem, OR (KSLE) RWY 31 altitude 5000’ Destination Portland (KPDX) ILS RWY 28L with Maver transition. I did get handed off to Seattle Center after take off. No further instructions from Center except a handoff to Portland Approach, midflight. As I began the descent on the approach I was told repeatedly to climb back to 5000’ I continued the approach using VNAV with correct altitude changes. No handoff to Portland tower, no clearance for approach, or landing clearance. I used to get full ATC interaction for the flight. Now I’m lucky if I get a handoff to Center after takeoff before SU1 Beta.
This was iin the Cessna 208 Caravan with G1000 avionics.