No ATC talk In Game

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Brief description of the issue:

In flight I have lost the ATC talking to me?

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As title suggests. I have for no reason lost the text and voice in ATC

I switched to this thread from your other response.
This link may be some help.

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Let us know if this solves your issue.

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@Beechc23 i am sorry but this did not solve my issue

Now working after full shut fien

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So the official solution to this bug is to turn it on and off multiple times until it magically starts to work again as opposed to actually trying to fix it?

Moderators are NOT employees of Microsoft nor Asobo. We are volunteers who work to keep the forums welcoming, orderly and civil. If suggestions are made in an issue thread, it is encouraged that the person who has the problem acknowledges whether the suggestion works or not. This acknowledgment can help others that may have the same issue.

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Multiple game restarts, system in power off mode. Systems even been off, and on.

Hold Xbox button then click “restart console”

Don’t know why, but it’s back now. Hope this helps anyone else.