No Bing Maps

Guys, can you help me?

It’s been a few days or so since the bing maps won’t load anymore. I have a great connection, bing data is “on”, but the images are not loading. Anyone experiencing the same?

Thank you.

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Rolling cache on? Size?

Try delete existing and set to 0?

No issues my side fyi :slight_smile:

This is what I get:

“Due to an unexpected error, your game license can not be authenticated.”

It tells me I have to sign in to get online services like the bing maps. But even when I sign in, nothing.

“Your Game License cannot be authenticated” error message – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

Nope. This doesn’t work.

It might be relevant but suddenly today bing photogrammetry is loading with much delay causing stutters,

I mean it’s incredible how after every update something doesn’t work or needs some sort of tweaking.
Yesterday I flew without any issues, perfect experience. 6 hours later, nothing works. Maps are offline, the license warning is back…

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I experienced this yesterday also. I believe it’s server issues.

I’ve had the same problem since yesterday

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Are you signed in on the xbox app?

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Are you talking about the new map enchantment?

No, I’m talking about the default bing maps. As of today it’s still in offline mode.

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Definitely makes me want to buy the new one.

Useless sim for days and it appears no one cares to even try to fix it.

Thanks, we will just keep waiting…checking for updates….

Finally got to fly, but hanging a lot at various points.

WX not loading at all. Map high detail though.
Flew Rome, excellent detail and perfect performance, save the wx.
Then did a few discovery flights instead of exiting back to the main menu.

Started getting the usual bogus low bandwidth and connection lost/restored drama, tried the Singapore discovery flight
Lol, it came up while loading to inform that I had been put into offline mode but I have the extra Singapore scenery installed with the hotel lasers and tram.

It loaded all the extra beautiful scenery against the backdrop of low rez offline metro area…

Different at least.

Then when exiting back to the main menu,