Quelque soit l’avion et l’aérodrome que je sélectionne, au final quand je lance le vol je me retrouve toujours avec le même avion sur le même aérodrome. Quelqu’un a t-il déjà rencontré ce problème et si oui comment le résoudre ?
D’avance un grand merci pour vos retour.
Hi @BatteEvil,
According to the Code of Conduct, you must use English when posting on the forums. The one exception is the #multiplayer category, where you can use any language to help you find users to connect with.
If you cannot read English, the forums provide a handy feature that translates posts into your native language, you can use this feature by clicking the translate button under a post.
If you need help converting a post from your language to English, try using Bing Translator, the same service used by the forums.
That’s something, so when you change aircraft and scenery you load up on a different airport every time and what about if you just change aircraft OR airport ? Is this with default aircraft / scenery ?
Have you done anything to try and resolve this yet?
Sorry I didn’t know English is required on this forum.
Considering the number of French speaking flight simulator 2020 users, it’s a bit of a shame but I will abide by the rules.
JoachimJoeS thank you for your feedback.
Whatever aircraft I select I have the TBM which appears when the flight is launched and whatever airport I choose I find myself on the runway in Lausanne
I am not sure if this will help, but as part of troubleshooting, please try to begin a flight with a fresh custom flight:
- Close MSFS, if it not already closed.
- Go to Start > Run > copy and paste the following path:
and click on ok.
- Remove the two files
- These files are re-created when customising and loading a flight. Move the files somewhere if you wish to create a backup but make sure they are removed from this folder.
- Try to load a new custom flight.
Please let me know how it goes.
In Windows10, do you have the regional format as “English-United States”?
If not that could be your issue.
The issue is that you have a non-ascii character in your Windows 10 account/user name. See this post/topic:
Make sure you up vote that topic so the devs are aware as well as file a zendesk on it.