No control on aircraft during take off

no control on aircraft during take off, yesturday was ok today what ever aircraft i choice during take off aircraft yow and crush on left side controls not responding whatever i do, why is this happening that was happen long time ago and its happen again, why, why ?

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Hi @wojtaskl So as I understand it, whenever you try to take off, any aircraft will yaw to the left & crash, right?

Since this is happening with ALL aircraft, the first thing I would check is the bindings for your controllers. I think they may have changed.

You do not mention the types of controller(s) (joystick, etc.) that you have, but make sure the assigned primary control surfaces for the rudder, elevator & ailerons are only mapped once. Here, for reference, is a pic of my settings:

thanks, i have trust master joystick with throtle (sorry if my english is bad ) i dont know witch model is it, but you can switch betwen PC and Xbox, it works grate untll a little update from microsoft today

Check to ensure none of your control settings have changed.
MSFS does have a habit of doing that without your knowledge!

another problem have when i start sim its always starting in window screen i change in settings on full screen and save it like few other things and after restarts its stard again in window it just dont keep what i saved

This is a known issue. It has been corrected, and will be released with SU15.