No cookpit in FBW A320Neo

Hi all!
Today i was trying to install FlybeWire a320 mod by the installer. I install the version 0.5.2, But i complitely lost the cookpit. So i decited to intall the custom and development fbw, but nothing change. Any Ideas?

Please remove any other mod, tool or custom livery you may have installed. And try again (just to find out, what the issue is).

There has never been a cookpit in the cockpit.
The cookpit in every airliner is called galley and resides in the cabine. :sweat_smile:
I know, this reply is rubbish but I’m in a good mood today.
Regarding your question; I have noooo idea…

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I had the same problem, I took out the Co-Pilots add ons from Comm folder. Restarted pc and all good.

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ok, thanks. I remove the copilot mod, and i have cokpit…but now all the button going crazy!

Still: remove any custom livery and try to start a cold&dark flight.

I had same problem and a few on here helped me a lot to get it sorted, thanks to:
TheSevenflyer & CAP537268

Hi, sorry for the delay of my anwer, but nothing change, i install the cutomk fbw a320 with ipad. Nothing change… :roll_eyes: :cold_sweat:

I don’t have this issue at all. Are you sure you removed all other mods or custom liveries? Empty your Community folder except of the A32NX mod.

Ok, done, thanks. The problem was One-drive, that have replace my delete mod. Now it work! Thanks soo much! :smirk: :wink: :crazy_face:

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