No detection: My TrackIR is not working, and not even pick up as a peripherals

Hello, as per the subject, can anyone here help me get started?

i have installed the latest version of TrackIR 5.4.2, have updated to latest MSFS20.

why is it that i just cant get it working???
been 3 days of trying, rebooting countless time.

I had turn on TrackIR 5.4.2 , calibrate it, then turn on the MSFS.

Just unable to get it detected as a peripherals.

MY hardware specs is pretty good.

anyone to assist?

Is it enabled in settings? Is it enabled in the camera window?

I had this problem too the first time, I‘m not entirely sure what the solution was anymore, but it was mentioned in this forum. It is absolutely necessary however that TIR runs before the sim starts.

But if all that doesn‘t help, maybe start TIR, start the sim, unplugg TIR and plug it back in?

Oh and also make sure your games list in the tracking software is up to date.

where are you referring?

settings/ Control options ?

settings/ General option ?

Another thought: do you run TIR as admin?

you mean log in Windows OS as an Admin?

no. press key f9 in fs2020.

i like to add, that TR5 works fine with Xplane, and other SIM. is it because SFS needs to be activated inside the game?

please look under control in msfs2020 whether trackir is active. if not active please press f9. if trackir is not active, please change usb. if it is not activated then I have no solution.

When you start the TrackIR software, does it start as admin? Right click on the icon, properties. Compatibility tab, way down there is a setting „run as administrator“

Hi All, following some of your instructions, i went to the ingame camera menu and found the TrackIR option where i can switch to enable TrackIR.

BUT, each time i click it, it is not able to enable.

i think the problem is, i cannot even see it in the Settings/Control Options/ (TRACKIR is missing, where i can see all other peripherals like yoke)

So, how ?

what do you think is the reason my MSFS cannot detect the Track IR?

If trackir runs under windows, it should also be recognized under fs2020. go under control in fs2020. see if trackir is registered. if it is not registered, press the f9 key. now you should see trackir. Scroll in the register above.

Also read here and try what they suggest. I really can’t remember what the cause was but there were problems adding TIR for the first time.

I looked into the matter. In fact, trackir is deactivated or not recognized in the msfs2020 if the headset is no longer within range of the receiver. This means that trackir will only be registered in msfs2020 if it is within range of the recipient. trackir is registered by pressing the f9 key. thanks for the information

Install the MSFS public beta and TrackIR problems are solved.

Thank you for the information. with my internet connection of 20 mbit a purely theoretical option.

Hi, You are correct and for me it is a real PIA and a flaw with FS20. I use TIR with a quality wireless headset and the TIR is powered by a battery pack in my shirt pocket so I can move about my sim room without restriction. Of course TIR works fine with the other 3 flight sims I use.