No internet connexion according to MSF

Hi there,

I made the UK update and guess what, first i had picture of London when starting the game, then the US again and then, when beeing on the main page : “you have no internet connexion”.

All the game is like when you have no bing connexion in your parameters.

I deleted them, then reput them but nothing worked.

My game looks like Microsoft flight simulator 2000 ah ah

I put this issue there but actually it concerns everything, ah and I have no access to the market anymore…

What to do ? :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah getting the same issue here

Same here, received the update via the windows store and it won’t update in the sim. Now all autogen doesn’t appear

I already updated earlier today and flew around in london photogammetry with no issues. Just tried to fire up msfs again and also now have this “no connection” issue. I logged out and back in, but still have greyed out market place.

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I confirm I am experiencing the same “No Connection” issue here in the UK

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Same here just updated via Microsoft store, now in game I’m getting the following message:

connection lost - please ensure you have an active internet connection, and check the forums for additional information

Market place greyed out and scenery looks naff!

I’ve turned off my firewall, restarted PC etc, my connection is good (well I’m browsing this forum for starters) at 100 MB/s, looks like something is broken after the update, ■■■■ I hate enforced updates, no flying today then I guess :pensive:

Oh I should mention I’m in the UK

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Same problem, going to bed

+1 same for me in Belgium. I have tried to turn online features off and on, then restart. But no luck.

Same issue here. Looks like a server glitch. I’m not even getting the update notification in MS Store.

Getting the same issue in Australia. Flew around London about 4 hours ago, logged on again now but twice the game says no internet. Obviously I have internet or I wouldn’t be able to post this. Hope someone at Asobo/Microsoft is looking at this post.

I have drawn the Community’s Team attention to this issue.

One article that ‘might’ help is:

I tried cycling online functionality Off then On in the sim and I am getting online services again.


Same problem…

I’m in Melbourne, Australia and I’m also getting this issue. I’ve tried logging off and back on to my xbox account. I’ve also tried turning online data off and on in-game. None of these worked. Market place also greyed out and I can’t download the new UK World update.

I’m in South Africa and also have the same problem " connection lost - please ensure you have an active internet connection, and check the forums for additional information

As a further update…restarting the sim (after cycling online functionality On/Off) doesn’t permanently fix the issue for me. I am still getting “Connection Lost” on the welcome screen when restarting the sim

Thx for the information, can confirm (Germany). Toggling online functionality to OFF froze the sim on “save and exit”, however it was “off” after restart. Toggling to “on” was working, however made no difference for the connection. Seems like a server issue.

Same problem here in Switzerland.

same here in the UK. did the update last night, attempt to test this morning, nothing, update not even showing in the sim yet its installed apparently. i presume that i need to connect into content manager.

getting sick of this all time, constantly not working.

I have the same issue on both the MS and Steam Versions

There is a parallel thread running here, that a CM has posted in:

Please use this thread for continued reporting on this issue.


Closing this for now.

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