No missions for turbo props

Having got the license for turbo props, there are no cargo missions available for them in the career mode. I was expecting to see something for the 208 at least. Most are for the 172.

It doesn’t have for light cargo, but it has for medium cargo, caravan and pc-12. Edit: sorry just saw that you said 208, so you do mean medium cargo. Did you complete the golden mission for the medium cargo specialization?

Yes i think so. I was trying to do a cargo mission in the 208 around some islands near Japan. But the turbulence was crazy and i kept crashing whilst trying to land. This mission has been removed for some reason so i dont see any other 208 missions.

I see. There are a bit less amount of missions since the 2025 rollover bug as I heard, but it is also possible that your area doesn’t have any. You can expand your visible area by clicking on the airports and helipads and fast traveling to them. They will unlock a circle around them on the map. Nearby locations are cheap to travel to, so you can uncover a bit more area and see if you find any further. You can also try to close live weather in the settings - online before you start missions, so you have a clear weather to fly in, if you prefer.

Great. I will try that later hopefully i will find some 208 missions. Thanks.