No pilot avatar visible in T6-G and other reno planes

Steam version

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

Brief description of the issue:
No visible pilot avatar on flight

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
SU7 / GOTY / Reno Race Expansion

Other plane pilot avatars seem to be working.

I have the same issue. No avatar pilot in the T6-G.

Same problem for me with the T6 “Eros” ! I have only one plane, no expansion pack.

Have you tried selecting “default” avatar and then re-starting MSFS? That worked for me with Eros.

I tried your suggestion, but it didn’t work out… thanks anyway

Try this. Select another aircraft (maybe a Cessna) and set all the avatar options to default. After it loads up, exit the sim without changing aircraft. Reboot your computer, launch msfs, and now try selecting the T6. I wonder if you are exiting with the T6 selected and something is not resetting? I really hope you get this fixed.

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Moderator Edit:
No change! Still no driver in my T6 !!!

Aucun changement ! Toujours pas de pilote dans mon T6 !!!

Sorry to hear that.

Moderator Edit:
I am surprised that very few of us have this problem!

Je suis étonné que nous soyons très peu nombreux à avoir ce problème !

I managed to have an avatar pilot in place, by selecting another pilot and pressing Restart. See what I got: He looks smaller and his hand is showing through the fuselage…

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Yes !! It’s perfect for me now

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Think I narrowed it down to a 3rd party mod causing the issue (naturally, lol). Pilots now appear :+1:

What was the offending mod? I have a similar problem with the F/A-18.

There was a conflict between TSI Service Buddies pilot mod and the F/A-18 Super Warrior mod I think. It was odd though, default pilot selection would also not work and various bugs would appear depending which mod was installed first, so I have no clue if there could be more to it.

Thanks. I must investigate that mod.

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I have a few aircraft from the marketplace which are unlikely to be the problem, but I can’t see the pilot in the T6-G and it really breaks the immersion when viewing the aircraft from the outside.

Any idea how to fix this?

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I agree with you 100% DestroyedBeauty…sure makes terrible screen shots too.

It seems to me that some T-6 Texan’s have an avatar pilot and some not.