No Sounds for the S-64F

I am missing all and any sound in both external and internal views of the S-64F Air-Crane.

Whether it be C&D start or running start there is no audio associated with the aircraft. Only environmental sounds around the location can be heard.

So far this is the only aircraft I am experiencing this with. All other aircraft I have tried have audio.

I’m on PC, Downloaded through Xbox Game Pass, Standard Edition. I have tried a Repair through the management options in the Xbox app, no change.

I am considering whether or not I have to do a full uninstall/Reinstall… Or if it is a bug to be fixed.

Warm regards,


Update: After turning off Anti-Virus software, uninstalling and reinstalling the simulator from scratch, the no sound issue which was also affecting not only the S-64 but other aircraft aswell is now resolved!