Non VR cockpit - get rid of view of aircraft ?!

OK, I’m probably a bit hopeful here…
I’ve made a basic multi screen cockpit and an Air Manager instrument panel - BUT there is really no immersion for me because the aircraft cockpit is on acreen as well as my external Air Manager instruments. There seems to be a limit how far you can push the aircraft structure off screen. Is there a way to remove the internal cockpit view or push it completely off screen? After VR it just seems wrong. It’s fine if you are practising long flights with VOR / ILS etc, but for more dynamic low flying in valleys and mountains it just doesn’t work for me.

In mine, I re-positioned the pilot (camera) viewpoint to be just in front of the cockpit window frame and slightly high so you don’t see the nose of the aircraft. I then saved this as the primary view position. It’s not perfect but its good enough for government work as they say.

I have build a cockpit for my local Air Cadets and for that one we just use the ‘Landing’ Pilot view camera position. That seems to get rid of the canopy frame view obstructions.

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Thanks RiskierInk67329

I’ll try those, they sound better than others I’ve seen.

I was messing around with moving the location of the ADF radio in the C-182 to match my VR cockpit. I imported the cockpit model into Blender, moved the radio, and exported it back the MSFS. When I fired up the game the whole dashboard was gone. I reverted back to the original because I fly in VR. Not sure if you could mod the texture files to be transparent to remove the elements you don’t want to see. May be a path to explore.

I can’t believe no one has posted this but there is a setting in the options menus. In “General Options” under “Camera” is a setting “Home Cockpit Mode” which specifically states that it is used to disable the “virtual cockpit”. It also places the pilot camera in the cockpit at 0, 0, 0.


Wow, thanks, you’re right - no-one else suggested it.

I’ll give it a go.

I thought that wasn’t working yet. That it was just a placeholder for future updates.
Have you tried it? Does it work?

It can be removed easily.
check this thread out

No. tried it, it leaves the cockpit, engine cowling and prop in view.
I’ll stick to VR for now…

Thanks anyway folks!

Sorry, didn’t intend giving you bad advice. Turns out that when I tried it, I was in dev mode, experimenting with the sample plane. 8^P

Sooo MANY wacky issues with MSFS2020 SDK. :slight_smile:

Have you both exclude exterior as interior in the airplane model
Make sure you select the right airplane folder and their own model folder for each has its own.
And these should completly remove the cockpit, just double // or ; will do
And check if “read only” is NOT checked in properties for the file cannot save when you made changes.



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