Nord 3400, freeware from Restauravia

Restauravia has released a nice freeware Nord 3400. It flies really well, the panel looks great (nicely animated floating compass), and overall the plane looks as good as a Nord 3400 is gonna look. :slight_smile: It’s a conversion to native MSFS format (not a portover) of a P3D plane, so perfectionists and nitpickers need not apply. But it’s a fun free flier for people who like to try different historical aircraft.

It does seem to have a bit of a pollution problem. And the pilot’s sitting with the seatback in the middle of their torso. If anyone figures out some better cockpit coordinates, please share. (Paging @Archer374 :slight_smile: )


If you change the InitialXYZ line under [cameradefinition.1] in cameras.cfg to this value, it will move the pilot position to something more realistic:

InitialXyz = 0, 0.12, 0.28

I haven’t figured out how to kill the blue smoke yet. I mean, nobody cared about pollution in the 50’s, but that’s kinda ridiculous.


Used to use this as my starter aircraft once upon a time in Air Hauler/FSX to fly around the small strips of PNG building rep.

Was an excellent little model - excellent STOL capability, rugged, fun to fly and perfect for hanging around an area while searching for that hard-to-find grass runway in the back of beyond.

Well done Restauravia - now we just await your awesome Mirage and Etendard IVM models! :grin:

PS - this is going to be just perfect for flying out the doctor in NeoFly emergencies

I love this plane and will work on some points in next days/weeks.
Meanwhile, the blue smoke issue is due to a typo error.
Edit N3400_EXTERIOR_3P.xml
Under arrow you can see there is a double “((”
Simply delete one of them and save your file.
Do the same in N3400_ext_2P.xml.


Very cool addon with a surprising bit of interactivity and functionality to go with its solid looks!

Unfortunately, I can’t get the panel lighting to work. The overhead works, but compass and panel seem to do nothing. Anyone have any ideas on that?

Thankful to Restauravia for releasing this!

I like it!
Nord 01 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Nord 04 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Nord 06 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Nord 09 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


Beauty :heart_eyes: I look forward to test it after work!
Thanks to the people who create these addon.

Lots of potential with this one. Love it. Where is the smoke though? is there a switch or something?

turning green
MAB 08 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

MAB 02 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

MAB 04 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


The smoke was due to a typo in an effects file. Looks like they fixed it in the download. :slight_smile:

No they didn’t, the double (( still there.
I have an idea but need to get more infos first.

Can you please do a test and tell us results:
With the original N3400_EXTERIOR_3P.xml file with the double “((”
Fly the 3 blades (default livery) Nord3400 above 50 knots (it’s above 93 Km/h in the plane as ASI is in Km/h)
Be sure your Logo Lights are ON
In external view, look from front to rear and tell us if you have the blue smoke as on Editer 3rd picture

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Logo lights or Nav lights you mean?

Logo Lights.
If you didn’t modified the Runway.flt file they are on by default if you start the flight on runway

No smoke. Let me see if i can upload a video file here.

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Ok, I think I know what happens.
Even if they made params for smoke, the Nord3400 dont have it’s own smoke effects.
So params use others smoke effects if they are already present somewhere.
I have a lot as I’m often working on smoke effects. I assume Editer and the dev also have some.
Anyway, I’m working on this point now. I think I can give you a link to test it tomorrow.
You’ll be my tester.
Or should I say my personal Guinea Pig ?

Personal Guinea Pig? No thanks. Tester? yes:)

Maybe other people have the T1 installed or something and it’s conflicting with this. I don’t.

Are you one of the devs? I’m confused.

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What is the T1 ?
And no I’m not one of the devs, not even a dev at all.

Just Flight Hawk T1. It has smoke and blue is one of the colors used.

There are so many possibilities.
That’s why I want to include it’s own effects to the plane. No more worries.
But if you want to try it tomorrow I have to work on it now.