Nose wheel randomly locks 90 deg to the right

My nose wheel is blocking to the right randomly.
It happens with any aircraft.
I have Saitek (Logitech) pro rudder pedals. (+ Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo)

When it happens, I already checked:

  • Removing all other usb devices
  • Any rudder related bindings in the Control section are removed except for Saitek pedals.
  • pedals responding as expected in the sensitivity section.
  • in external view, the rudder reacts OK to any rudder input but the nose wheel remains locked to the right.

This is weird cause all rudder inputs keep working fine, except for the locked nose wheel.
Most of the time it happens after landing, but occasionally it also occurs when loading a flight on the runway.

I just did a short flight with empty community folder which seems to solve the issue.
I’ll post if a specific community package turns out to be the cause.

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@Jingle1966 Don’t feel bad, it happens IRL to airbus A320’s sometimes, There is a Jet Blue Utube video showing one in real life.


The nose wheel blocking right, is still randomly occurring even with an empty community folder.
I also disconnected my rudder pedals and used auto rudder.
(I believe we’re also out of beta now?)

Never mind. I had an axis assigned to the nose wheel I wasn’t aware of. :person_facepalming: