There have been a couple times with the Beaver and the Caravan where it doesn’t give me enough fuel to complete the mission.
I’ve tried adding fuel in the EFB before the mission but they locked everything so you cant change it.
There have been a couple times with the Beaver and the Caravan where it doesn’t give me enough fuel to complete the mission.
I’ve tried adding fuel in the EFB before the mission but they locked everything so you cant change it.
Your fuel flow says 507pph but a guide on the internet says it should be between closer to 390 in cruise. Are you leaning the engine and wouldn’t getting higher give you a better TAS?
During that flight I was practically overweight. It struggled to take off from the field the mission started at.
To be fair I wanted to fly as fast as I could so I was using max power but the plane was struggling to reach FL120 anyway.
If I adjusted for that FF you mentioned I would be going at a snails pace and it was a long mission.
The Beaver is even worse though. There were a couple times there was no way I could reach my destination with the fuel I had.
Will the mission allow you to use repair/refuel ?
It’s not mapped by default.
I didn’t know that was an option. I’ll have to give it a try.
See corresponding report:
Yes. I have observed the exact same in both aircraft as well. On one flight (one of the longer ones) I had to skip forward to the approach phase just so that I could complete the flight and not run my tanks empty. Of course when you skip to the next phase, you lose the ability to earn the full credit amount for that mission. This issue should be addressed.
I have also observed the following issues:
Free look using the mouse is a mess. Zero control.
The texture at KTEX is uneven. When taxiing off the ramp to the taxiway, you are basically driving off of a cliff.
Why is there no real world or player traffic in Career mode? Is this intentional?
Cessna Caravan autopilot with FD is all over the place. When trying to intercept a course using the heading bug, the autopilot is way behind the flight director and the transition from HDG to NAV mode is a mess.
Several times I have received penalties in career mode (mostly in the DHC-2) for deploying flaps on the ground while moving. The system dings me on overspeed with flaps.
The boxes and gates need an easy way to be toggled off in career mode. Just takes away from any semblance of realism.
Having the ability to turn the AI option ON (and not greyed out) for co-pilot handling comms would be nice.
After clearing the runway, the proper place to hold until getting ground clearance is not before you get to the line, but just on the other side of it (minor detail, but isn’t reinforcing correct airmanship).
My feedback after about three full days of evaluating almost all in career mode is that this has massive potential, but I would rather see it give the pilots the ability to think for themselves and figure things out in each flight instead of having all of these video game type elements like the gates in the sky, or hold short boxes.
I love the ability to buy aircraft for your businesses and love the whole business concept. It would be great to expand this and also find a way to somehow make this more of a multiplayer feature.
I have had a few crashes but nothing crazy. And overall, I think if some of these issues (and many others) are properly addressed this could be an amazing sim.
Traffic in career mode is a setting in the online section. It’s turned off by default.
Traffic is on and has been on.
I have the fuel bug too.
I have only the fuel for half the fly with the viking.
Is there a way to add fuel. I tried with the EFB, but i have the feeling it doesn’t work.
I found this solution on Reddit:
Go to control settings, search for ADD FUEL and bind the item which adds 25% to any button. When in a flight, press that control button (a keystroke or whatever you bound it to) and voila, fuel is added! Since it is not possible (to my knowledge) to add more fuel during the planning phase before a mission starts, I think this is ok to do.
To run out of fuel during a several hour long mission is not fun. If we could add more fuel during planning, then I would accept running out of fuel if it is caused by me.
Paths in the air can be removed if you deactivate the taxi blue signs; not sure how they are related but so it is. Maybe the hold short boxes can be deactivated too, but I don’t know how to do it yet.
It is possible to create your own flight plan in a mission, or at least I am doing so in cargo missions. Just select the mission and create a flight plan with the EFB before starting the flight, then load it to avionics when the aircraft is ready to taxi.
The simple workaround that I suggest is as follows:
“You add the volume of fuel you want before your flight, you launch your flight and on the parking air you will see 43%, press escape & them the restart bouton and it will take into account the fuel you had put in.”
I hope a fix from game developers soon !
Thx good to know. Does it work in carreer, and don’t you have penality ?
Works well & no penality, start as usual and when you are on the parking air, espace & restart.
After, you can act normally.