Not getting above 40fps with a rtx 3070 in 1080p

systems specs
i5-12400f @ 4ghz
16GB DDR4 2400mhz CL15 ram(i think this is the bottleneck)
Game installed on 1 tb sn770 pcie 4.0 nvme drive which is superfast
rtx 3070 8 gb which boosts upto 1950mhz

i am unable to get above 40fps on the ground with these settings fps drops to 26-27 inbetween on 1080p ultra that too with ground detail only at 100,AA is TAA rest is on ultra/max.

will upgrading the ram help ? to something faster 3400 mhz cl 16 i think it will,but then only amd systems have the infinity fabric that benefits from higher ram clocks,wonder if intel will too. nor the card or cpu is thermal throttling.

Upgrading RAM will not be a magic solution. Make sure you have the XMP I profile selected in your BIOS to get the most out of your current RAM. The issue you have is your Ultra/Max settings. If you are taking screenshots or making movies, sure go with Ultra. But, if you are focused on smooth flying experience you really don’t need the terrain to look that good. I had the same issue for a long time; trying to get the most performance out of the highest settings on my 3080Ti. Now, I go with DLSS Performance and the only setting I have on Ultra is Clouds. I don’t care about the terrain anymore; it’s all about smooth flying experience. Give it a try.

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even with DLSS enabled i see no fps change which should not be the case , the game is beauitful i feel turning down ultra wont do it justice. plus i fly vor to vor no gps so i need to see the landmarks clearly, flying vor to vor and on unpaved runways without the settings at ultra cant spot the runway from a distance.

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I’ve seen an article on Toms Hardware where running at low res (1080) gives worse performance than running at higher resolution with the same settings. I’ll see if i can find it, but it was earlier this year when I was looking into the intel ARK cards.

Sure, and at 1080p, DLSS may not buy you much. I fly VR all the time, and I wasn’t suggesting you try DLSS. I only meant I choose performance over high settings. Try this: turn down the settings until that feature becomes “not beautiful”, then turn the setting up one notch. I love the way my settings look. Your mileage may vary.

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You should be more precise with your settings.
Show us pictures of it.

Try choosing medium instead of ultra settings, DLSS DLAA instead of TAA and increase the resolution to 1440p. Only if your display is 4K, of course.
On the hardware side, don’t bother tuning anything, there’s no point. What would really bring a noticeable improvement is a motherboard change and a 5800x3d processor. I recently did this and I only have a 2070 processor. The 30 FPS is stable, I have limited it to that while running FSLTL.

Are you really GPU limited? I would expect you are CPU limited, like most people. Can you check with the dev mode?

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i have updated my posts now includes the settings screenshot

i cant change now,this is a new rig :confused: just built 15 days ago. albiet with used parts but the cpu and mobo are brand new. i will try with dlss.

Check out Dwindling FPS in youtube - Microsoft Flight Simulator All graphics settings compared. Make sure to watch the end.

If your CPU load is the issue, DLSS won’t help. Try reducing Object LOD or turn off Traffic and see if that helps.

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There was a video somewhere comparing High to Ultra and difference is minimal. My humble opinion is you’re just asking too much of your system. Set everything to High and see how it performs. Then increase the important ones for you to Ultra. I run everything on High except buildings and clouds. Quit chasing FPS cause it will just cost money and not improve your experience. Best wishes and let us know how all turns out.

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You know, that’s ridiculous, nearly everything on Ultra.
Have a look here:


What monitor are you running and at what hz?

Also wondering what kind of cooler you have on that cpu, as the thermal throttling might just be an issue when it’s trying to produce more frames than it should to get that smooth experience you are looking for.

Buddy of mine had a 1080p running a 3080ti and still had stutters. At first he was trying max performance, but even after dropping the settings, it was still a stuttery beast. The only thing we could think of was the CPU back then, it was the i7 9xxx series, now he’s on a 10700k with a 1080 and gets better frames than he did with the (back then) monster card… it’s a weird beast, this msfs… it wants power, but somehow overpowers that.

Oh, btw, i’m running at 1/3rd the refreshrate in sim, that helps alot with the smoothness as the cpu doesn’t have to outperform and the gpu is upto the task to take care of most of the frames spit out by the cpu, be it chasing for low and steady instead of fast and choppy… (i do get chops whilst turning/taxiing, but for the rest its quite smooth… hope we can help you get the same performance.

Also, what happens with your rig in other games?

Your TLoD and OLoD settings are the biggest impact to your target frame rate. That’s been proven many times by multiple test regimes. Cut it back to 100, you’ll see gains, not counting what else you may be running from a ramp/C&D (i.e., GSX, etc).

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As RufousJayes indicated, you are CPU bound. The 3070 can handle 1080p without a sweat. Your Traffic settings will be a big load for the CPU. Try all settings at zero with no Multiplayer. The more objects in the sim, the more the CPU has to work. Also, you will need to share your Nvidia Control Panel settings. The only setting you should need there is Prefer Maximum Performance for the Power setting. I see you are not using Vsync in the game settings. What’s your monitor brand and hz?

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That’s the video I was thinking of.

decrease texture supersamling

got the same issue, any solution? im on the 3070 and i9 11th 1080p