Not possible to flight after load PLN File

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Brief description of the issue:

At the current state it is not possible to start a new Flight from the current Airbort (Destination) whre you are. I created a lot of PLN files for all my lovely Airborts step by step and also back to the one i started from. But if you landed on an airport to do a new boarding, it is not possible to load the next PLN to fly back! You can load the PLN but then ATC, AI ATC Handling, Taxiribbon is broken!

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Fly to Destination
Load new PLN where your current Airport is set as Start
Try to fly, Try to use AI ATC Handling…
ATC wll not catch new PLN

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Flight plan - Problem when loading a saved Flight