Not very impressed- Steam "verify integrity" issue

Ok so hi it seems after i have installed the top gun DLC, it was taking my game forever to load up a mission, So i validated my files, ok i thought that might help.
No now i have to download an update which seems to be virtually reinstalling the whole game, and i have to move my community folder somewhere else?.
does that mean im going to lose all my freeware planes because i had over 20 installed? and its taking forever for the bloody patch to download.

Im not feeling very happy for a game that costs as much as it does, I’ve seen 10 dollar games that update better than this, if i have to reinstall all the freeware again, ive had it with this game arrrrrrrr rant

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This is an unfortunate side affect of the “steam verifiy integrity” option.

There is an existing bug report on this issue and you may wish to contribute your own experience in that thread. It is found here:

I will close this thread now and re-direct those affected to post in the “bug logged” thread.