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Check out the latest Development Update Blog here:
Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!
The link/page for the web-friendly version of the Marketplace Update only has info up to September 19…
Click here for the web-friendly version of the Marketplace Update.
Guess we’ll get a new roadmap and feedback/bug snapshots after MSFS 2024 is out.
So awesome to hear that the Creator of the Month for November 2024 is software developer and YouTuber Marc from Flight Sim School-I just had to subscribe to his channel.
Just impressed by the level of accuracy of the planes showed in the weekly developer livestream
Agree, i thought the inibuilds planes looked awesome, especially the A330, which is definitely going to put the wind up aerosoft.
Also the smoke effects on the engine start on the seaplane were very cool indeed
In the 31st of October Dev update was mentionned of a 1st Party World Partners for this week Developer Livestream. I thougt it was to talk about the World environment of FS2024 but we got anonther 1st party aircraft partners instead. Any plan to bring this topic?
I’ll be living in the Jet2/Air Tanker A330 if someone makes a livery for it. Used on lots of Europe hops. Inibuilds are knocking it out of the park.
Agreed. No comment from microsobo on that. Hoping it just flipped and next week we get it.
Tho yet again as expected, the MP releases are pretty weak. There was I time I bought stuff week over week for months. But now it’s been reversed. Either developers are slowing down due to fs2024 launch or I just caught up finally and got everything I’m interested in.
There isn’t much out there right now that’s immediately available. Most of the big projects being worked on weren’t planned for release until 2025 other than the A350, which was planned for end of 2024 but is now pushed to 2025.
I can’t think of any major airports that have been in the works since many have been covered already and the remaining big ones don’t have anything announced yet (LFPG for example). So the marketplace will have mostly shovelware with a few good finds each week, but we’ll have to wait until next year for the more popular and detailed work to come out.
That’s pretty much accurate yeahhhh.
Big ticket items include the 757, A350, Imaginesim KDFW. And actually CDG (lfpg) was announced last month by PESIM.
Hoping to come out /be announced is a slew of products-
KMCI (Xbox inclusive)
KMCO (Xbox inclusive)
CRJ update including Xbox; some chatter @ aerosoft forums on it.
UH/SH 60
Taogs Hangar Dauphin
Miltech U2
MD 80 (Xbox inclusive)
Pmdg 747-400
Hoping stuff keeps pumping out during 2025, could be a big year with no hesitation causing delays since the new sim will be out
That’s awesome to hear about CDG.
I’d like to see the CRJ get released on console too, but after the A330 release, I’m worried how that would turn out since it seems the Aerosoft quality is declining from where they were early on. I’m excited for next year since I think we’ll see a lot of cool stuff for the new sim.
Personally even if it’s not perfect, it would still be nice and enjoyable to have crj on console