NOW RELEASED - Shorts Sd3-30 / Sd3-60 and Sherpa project from Blackbox

Half a million switches and volume controls on the Audio panels :slight_smile:
If its not one of them then I am pretty confident you can throw it in an Asobo Direction :wink:

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I’ll cross check with an Asobo default plane. I’m not 100% certain that ADF audio works in other planes if I am honest, so would need to check to confirm.

I’ve confirmed that the VC switches are set correctly, so unless it is some disconnect between the switch animation, and an electrical circuit being made, then it just doesn’t work.

I’ll update as soon as I can.

Anybody have an idea how to remove the G-ABCD registration from the vertical stabilizer? I’ve almost finished my Merpati livery but I can’t get this thing away.

the screenshot the person above you posted literally says “Vertical Navigation” :joy:

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I’ve confirmed that you cannot move the cursor to where you would choose a waypoint from your flight plan, or manually enter a waypoint. You can select altitude, position, and vs profile, but not what it is referencing.

I also confirmed that the ADF audio switches are altering the correct LVARS’s, namely BBS_ADF_SOUND:1 & BBS_ADF_SOUND:2, but no audio is heard. Will check an Asobo default one when I can.

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we have found that it all works if you switch the inverters on :slight_smile:

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As you can see here on the blue horizon gauge there are no lines, this is the sign to me when my autopilot wont work.

This is the aircraft in a ‘ready to taxi’ state everything up and running but I have no horizon lines and no autopilot function, hope that helped lol

I deleted my previous message as I thought I came across somewhat rude and patronising.

But what @hobanagerik said, I have the same issue - Inverters on.


I will investigate further but as you can see from the attached image its Not a case of “missing lines” But the ADI Is not erected, Perhaps no Gyros or a circuit breaker pulled ?

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WHEN the gyros are erected yes …
for some reason they are not and of course the Pitch lines are only on the central section of the Pitch tape
What you are seeing is the UN-erected AH as in the attached image


Oh okay, Circuit breakers havent been touched. Only a couple times when i’ve spawned in the ADI’s are up but majority of the time they’re not, if its something I need to do manually then it’s potentially something i’ve missed on setting up, I would assume this would also have an affect on the autopilot not working too.

Yes indeed it would …

Q. if you start Cold and Dark on the apron, then follow the procedures in the Tutorial What are your results ?


MORE investigation here …
Cold and dark - follow process - Gyros spin up and erect ADI
Runway - By Default - Gyros running and ADI Erect

Im sorry but the ONLY WAY I can reproduce the Error is to turn off inverters

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Same just did it, i’ve had a look through the manual and i cnat find any switches to erect the ADI’S so I have the same issue every time no matter the sequence i try. This is in the SD-360 though I have not tred this in the 330

This is my start up sequence in the 360 (on batteries)

Left / rught battery on
Avionics master on
Set altitude / heading for dep
Fuel pumps left / right on
Engine start sequence as normal

On engine start switch to internal power (electronics)
Busses left / right on
Drop the flaps taxi light on ect
You get the rest
But still cant get the adi’s to align or the autopilot to switch on

Could we have a screenshot of your overhead panel once you’re at the point where everything should be on but the ADI gyros haven’t spun up please, so we can see if anything looks unusual in how the electrics are configured ?


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I think there might actually be a bug here, with the pitch lines, in the C23B at least.

If you turn on only the left battery, the lines will appear only if the left inverter is on. Toggle the left inverter with the left battery still on, and the lines drop away.

Now disable the left battery, and enable only the right battery. Even with both inverters off, the lines remain. All that is needed is for the right battery to be on.

It looks light the standby inverter kicks in when the left inverter is off. So when either the left inverter or standby inverter are off, the left hand pitch lines will not appear. The right inverter controls the FO pitch lines from appearing.

I wonder why those ADI’s can’t simply run off the main batteries. Perhaps a current draw thing?

I also noticed that with all three inverters off, and only the right battery on, when you flip on the avionics, everything comes on except many elements of the radios. Even the 400 comes on.

Now turn on left battery only:

That was when turn on the left battery, then turning off the right battery. It looks a little different if you have all batteries disconnected when you enable left only:

It’s consistently inconsistent! :wink:

While playing around with this, and trying to see what the fuse board had to say about current draw, I noticed the pilot side panel looks a little sparse!

Some appear, most don’t. You can see I have popped out 57, fifth row from the top. What I was trying to work out is why you can have all the avionics on with batteries only, but not the ADI.

It looks like the fuse for the HSI works as expected, you can adjust the heading bug, but the course knob does nothing until you push the HSI fuse back in, but the flight director one does nothing, fuses 57, and fuse 178. I expected them to act as if the inverters has been disabled, but that didn’t happen.

I also re-tested ADF audio, in both the G1000, and Classic 172. I couldn’t get the audio to work there either, so probably an Asobo issue. I did get one solitary beep out of it when I changed frequencies in the steam 172, but could not repeat that so I have no idea what that was.

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Will do asap.

I have found a temporary fix if i load in on the runway it works fine and then if i taxi back to a stand and go cold and dark config it still works fine

OK need to know your exact process BEFORE Turning a battery on …
Like …

Main Menu / Map screen / choose departure / Pick parking spot / Fly now ?

Or some other way

If anyone wants to get prop feathering working, without touching any buttons, just axes, and have SPAD, then try this:

For your controller, the axes will likely have different names, but for me this works perfectly.

Full forward on the prop lever is 0, and fully aft is 100. The event looks to see if either prop lever is set to 100. When it is it sets the pop pitch 1/2 to that really high number, which is what you see when you monitor that simvar when manipulating the VC levers. This event works in any plane I have, just remove the 2 event for single engine planes.